Heart to Heart

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With lot of questions and confusion in her heart she finally got up from her bed to pull the long string dangling beside the giant curtains. On pulling it, the curtain parted. And the next
moment took her breath away. From behind the glass wall of the room on Morning view of the beach looked mesmerizingly beautiful!

But what was more intriguing was the boy next door was running parallel to the sea waves. His eyes were
glued to the panoramic sight of a serene and cold Thailand morning. Scores of waves seemed to compete with his legs. It filled her view from left to right. The glass wall seemed soundproof as she could hear nothing. Yet, she imagined the sound of the Sea waves, she imagined the whistle of the wind that was blowing outside at that moment. As  she stood
there for a while in the pin-drop silence of her cosy room imagining everything. She was enjoying being there. Her phone ring  broke her reverie.

Name displayed on the screen was 'Sam'. Yes she changed it to 'Sam'.

"Hey! Hi glad you called" she said

"Yeah! how you guys doing? I called Virat too but he isn't picking up?" he said

"Everything is fine! Leave all this! I want to ask you something! What do you do when your heart and mind goes in two different directions? There is something you want to believe but at the same time you don't want to accept too" she said there was uneasiness in her voice

"Saiii!!! Are you okay?" He worried

"I think so!" she replied "I am just feeling like having a tornado of some unanswered questions in my head"

"I mean! I feel like I want something but I don't know what it is!!" she said

Samrat somewhere getting the idea what she was talking about.

"Sai! Try to find that something or someone around you! May be you will get the answers to all your questions" He smilingly said. Her eyes still following the man jogging outside from right to left.

"Am I seriously in love with him?" she questioned herself.

"Sai!! Sai!! are you listening?" he called her name two three times. But she didn't responded.

"Ahh!! she is not gonna answer now!! He thought and hung up the call.

"How??? When??? Why???" new questions ran into her mind.

"Now what?" she rolled her eyes.

"Out of all men in the world! Why this chimpanzee Bappa!!" she looked at the sky with huge smile on her face.

"Beta Sai! Stop calling him Chimpanzee now!! Look what happened unko Chimpanzee bolte bolte khud lady Chimpanzee banne ki naubat aa gayi hai (You used to call him that now look you yourself no less than a  lady Chimpanzee)"   she tapped her head and laughed in her own.

They met for lunch. It was late in the afternoon. She had been excited the entire morning and had been looking forward to see him. When she met him, She felt that he was equally
eager to see me. But there was a difference—he was mysteriously silent while she was talking a lot. He  recalled the moment of last night before. Her glowing face 
flashed in her mind though she was in front of him. Both had dark circles around  their eyes which were loudly
advertising their lack of sleep. Though neither of them could actually go back and sleep. The sheer excitement they felt for sure wouldn’t have allowed them to catch any shut-eye.

They silently went back to their room  to meet again in half an hour.
Virat waited for an hour in the lobby but she was no where to be seen.
His phone rang, Samrat's name flashed on the screen but he disconnected the call as right now his mind was only wishing to hear only one voice.

SaiRat- Bound with Love (Office Romance)Where stories live. Discover now