Unsaid Words

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It was 3 in the night. He was still sitting beside her while holding her hand. Suddenly she started shivering, and crying in pain though still unconscious. He tried to calm her down but she was trying pull her injured hand up. He ran to call the doctor. They injected pain killer on her other hand. She was still crying in pain.

Watching her like that he felt something heavy stuck in his heart,giving a terrible blow. Some kind of coldness crawled within him. He felt like his muscles could not move. His heart seemed to alternately
stop beating and pump furiously. His brain went numb. He lost control over himself and the echo of her cries echoed in his ears. He just couldn't see her in so much pain. After 10 minutes. She was calm again. He gathered himself and went ahead to wipe her face which was all wet because of her tears. He was blaming himself he was the one who insisted her to stay there for few more days. He should have taken care of her.

"Can she recognize my voice? Can she hear me talking to her? Does she want to say something to me?’ These were the questions he was asking himelf again and again.

All the moments he had spent with her was flashing through his mind.

At 4 in the morning. His phone rang.  Samrat's name displayed on the screen.

"How's is she?" Samrat asked

"She is in pain!!!" he broke into tears

"Virat!!!!!" Samrat calmly said

"All this has happened because of me! I forced her to stay!!!" he cried

"Virat!!!" Samrat shouted fiercely
"Just gather up yourself!!! It was just a minor accident. She will be fine"

"Minor?? She underwent a surgery!! Her bruised face is killing me!" Virat said in a panicing voice.

"Oh, come on, buddy. She is going to be fine, absolutely fine. See, you know na how dangerous she is. Whole Embassy shivers by just one glare of hers" He tried to console him.

Virat looked out of the window it was raining again, all of a sudden he had an unbearable urge to hear her voice. He remembered that rainy night with her on the beach. He felt he should have just wrapped her in his arms and not let her go. 

" I just need her so badly … Her silence is shaking me from inside and … You know how madly I want to see her again scolding me for not cleaning the mess of her staircase, getting annoyed with me for troubling her, smiling and saying Thank you to me for giving my share of chocolates to her..... .... " his voice shivered  "I feel so lonely, even sitting this close to her I am still  not able to talk to her." he uttered in his trembling voice

"I know man!! But take this as some difficult task that she has given to you.  You will have to stay strong. She only have you there. I am sure you will win this battle with flying colours. Just think of the time she will open her eyes and talk to you" Samrat said 

"Hmm, you are right. I will take care of her! Very good care of her" he wiped his tears and pledged

"Good! and it’s just a matter of time and I will be doing nagin dance at your mari... I mean we will celebrate together. What say?"  he went a bit overboard but he was saved because Virat wasn't in a state to apply that much brain.
He ended the call. At 7 in the morning he felt her hands tightening her grip on his. She slowly opened her eyes and the first thing which came out of her mouth was-

"Virat!! You are okay na?" She looked all around "Why you are sitting in the hospital? Did you get hurt anywhere?" she tried to get up to have a look of him.

SaiRat- Bound with Love (Office Romance)Where stories live. Discover now