Chapter 9- first dates

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I sit at the piano in a spare room that we have letting my emotions bleed out on the keys. I'm not playing any traditional song I'm mixing up notes that sound good, I start to mumble random words that would make a good song, I start over a lot and get frustrated when it doesn't sound right.

I've been playing piano since I was about 11 I always would get frustrated because people who made it into julliard started as young as four, Julliard was my dream school. I don't know if it still is, every Monday my dad would bring me to one of just Co workers house for piano lessons they were half hour lessons that flew by really quickly but I enjoyed it. I still remember my first lessons, Miss Hall, my piano teacher started me off with the basics, which number your fingers are, the piano alphabet where the notes are and such. She started with a primary book, which she uses with all her students and skipped a whole lot of pages which made me feel proud. I don't see her to often anymore, she stopped doing piano lessons after her husband died of cancer, I Felt really bad but there's nothing I could do.

"Laura" my sister Vanessa stood at the door way wearing a juicy Couture sweat suit that I was always jealous of because juicy Couture is expensive. She had her typical thick brownish-black hair down and in natural waves. Only wearing mascara and some cherry baby lips. She came back from shooting in new York for awhile before she has to go back. I always really like it when she comes because she is the only one that truly understands me even though she hasn't been through the same stuff as me.

I stop playing and turn myself to face my elder sister "yes" I answer politely "some guy named Ross is here" she smirks "and he's looking for you" she points at me giving me a childish grin "he's my be my boyfriend" I bite my lip probably blushing "how? Like how do you make it work?" She seems shocked but tries to hid it "somehow he can touch me without- you know" I shrug as if it's no big deal, even though it is the biggest deal ever. "That's amazing!" She smile a Cheshire cat sized grin "I should go" I stand up from my piano "Okay have fun, just make sure he keeps his hands north and south of the equator" she winks making me chuckle as I leave for down stairs to greet my Knight in shining armour

"You need a dress for our first date" he smiles handing me roses, I don't know what to say so I just smile "I'll get my purse" I bite my lip "no it's all on me, the dress the food everything" he insists "no I can't let you pay for all of it" I decline "no I want to, I've dreamed of this day since I was eight don't wreck it" he jokes "Ross I don't want you spending a fortune" I mumble "Laura," he grabs my hands "I want to" he kisses my forehead "Okay, but next time all pay for myself" he smirk "whatever you say" he giggles as we leave the house.

"The restaurant is fancy so I'm thinking a dress" we walk in our local two story mall "Ross are you sure you have enough money?" We walk into forever 21 "yes, I have a lot. That sounded stuck up, my brothers chipped in and my mom gave me the next two months allowance. I have more then enough" he explains, truthfully I don't want him spending all this money on me, even more so that he had just brothers chip in. "Okay" I kiss under his jaw and start browsing for dresses.

I finally decide on a dress from topshop I believe but I wasn't paying attention to stores, a bad habit of mine I notice. It's a sun dress type dress that's red and floral print, I also got a yellow cardigan since ross' favorite color is yellow, red and yellow is our favorite colors so Ross and I thought it was cute. Ross also bought me some black high heels that I argued he wouldn't get. But him and his stubborn attitude got them anyway.

"Try it on" Ross holds the dress up to me "I think it'll look perfect" he smiles "okay" I take the dress and head into a change room, I come out and notice Ross isn't standing near the change room, he's looking at other clothes absentmindedly. I giggle and walk over to him, "what'd you think?" I smile "spin around" he strokes his chin playfully and I take just command "perfect, you have a nice butt by the way" he smirks jokingly "excuse me?" I laugh "you do, try on the cardigan-sweater-thing" he hands the cardigan to me "cardigan" I correct him and put it on "we're definitely getting this" he bites is lip looking at me "Okay" I Peck his lip quickly not caring that they're other shoppers and head back to the dressing rooms.


"This restaurant is really fancy" I state the obvious as our French waitress named Mariella seats us "I know right" we both sit down "may I offer you some drinks?" Her thick accent asks us "I'll get a lemonade, Laura will have" he looks at my notifying that he's ordering, I mouth ice tea the best I can "ice tea" he smiles "I'll be back in a minute with your drinks" she smiles and walks off

"Ross you went all out" I admit "I wanted your first date to be perfect" he smirks "who said it was my first?" I kid "have you ever been on a date?" He asks "no, have you?" I ask "no, I've had a girlfriend though, maybe that's why we broke up" he laughs "so she broke up with you?" I laugh "sh" he shushes me with a finger over his mouth "that's good, I don't know why people always want to be the one who did the dumping. It makes them sound like a jerk" I admit "true" he agrees

"Here are your drinks" Mariella sets our drinks down "that was fast, thank you" Ross sips at his lemonade "may i take your order?" She asks "can we have a couple minutes to decide?" Ross realises we haven't choose what to eat yet "of course" she walks of smiling

"So I'm thinking caramelized pears or roast of Lamb, with a balsamic reduction." Ross thinks at loud reading the menu "what are those?" I giggle "no clue, but they look good." He laughs "Go with the Lamb thing, I'm getting chicken tertazzini" I say reading off the menu, I'm a picky eater so I hope I'll like it. "Good choice" he smiles

"Hello" a perky four year old stands at our table, she most be here for a family celebration since there's no other kids here "hi" I smile "hello beautiful" Ross greets her making her blush "my mommy has a baby in her tummy, I don't no why she ate her but she's gonna poop her out soon" she says randomly making both Ross and I laugh "do you have a baby in your tummy?" She looks at me "it doesn't look like it" she pokes my stomach "no I don't, do you?" I ask her "no" she giggle

"Lana! Oh my gosh come here" a lady that I'm assuming is her mom grabs her hand "I am so sorry you two," she smiles "it's fine" Ross shakes his head "she's super cool" he looks at the little girl which I now know name's Lana "bye" Lana waves as her mom takes her back to her table. "That was adorable" I say honestly "it was" Ross laughs "I love kids" I sigh "same" he nods "are you ready to order?" Mariella stands at the side if our table. "Yes" I nod and Ross gives her our orders. 


"That was amazing" I whipe my mouth with the napkin "yes" Ross savours his last bite "should we head out now?" Ross asks "we should" I nod and Ross puts the money in the table and we walk out leaving a good tip "great it's raining" I groan looking at the pouring rain outside "just my luck" I cross my arms getting ready to go outside "take my jacket" he hands it to me "you sure?" I also before taking it yes "yes" Ross laughs and I put the jacket over my head "make a run for it" Ross says "Okay" I say and we simultaneously run out the door to the car "Okay get in" he holds the door open for me "I don't wanna wreck your car "you're you nice laur, get in I don't care" he holds the door open "no" I shake my head "get in the car it so help me!" Ross teases "no" I still refuse "Laura Marie" he stomps his foot "Ross shor" I stomp my foot mocking him "fine" I roll my eyes and get in the car.

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