Chapter 3- tumblr insults

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I make a few laps around the school trying to get used to it, it's pretty big and I've already been late to two classes because I've got lost.

I still have butterflies, but this time is because of What lily told me. What if he actually is a bad dude? I actually was beginning to like him, as a friend I mean. (that five second conversation between us was pretty extravagant) not to mention he's cute.

"Hey laur" I turn around to see Ross I smile probably blushing "Yeah?" my stomach growled great, just What I needed. "you hungry?" He laughs "a little" I hold my stomach "Yeah they should let us have snacks like in elementary school, but you get used to it after awhile" he runs his fingers through his hair "Yeah I better get going" I start to walk, I'm trying to avoid conversations with him, just in case.

"What class do you have next?" he catches up with me "um, science" I look at my schedule "me too!" He raises his hand to high five but I ignore it "you don't like to be touched do you?"

"Not really" I shake my head "germaphob?" He guesses "Yeah, I'm germaphobic." Let's just go with that "I used to be, I don't really care now. A lot of the guys were guessing why you wouldn't touch anyone and germaphob wasn't one" he shrugs, I haven't talked to them that much, I guess they did realise that I completely avoided touching anyone. A couple of them asked me.

"Baby!" I tall blonde comes running up to Ross, and hugs him. her boobs are practically falling out her top and she's wearing short shorts, that her butt hangs out of, it's quite gross. "Stop calling me that" he shoves her off "you trying to play hard to get" she taps his nose "What do together not get about we are not dating" he curves around her so he's beside me now "I know we aren't dating but we Can wheel" she smiles "No Thank you" he chuckles

"Who's that" her eyes drop on me "my friend Laura" he smiles great, we're friends now "the shit my dog took last night looks better then her" she giggles "Gabriella What the hell?" Ross looks mad "No it's fine Ross, Gabriella you are now cordially invited to go fuck yourself because I don't remember asking you to give your opinion"

"Wow" she laughs "I don't have to waste my time on you and your lame insults" she walks off "nice comeback" Ross laughs "Thanks I got it off tumblr"


"So how is Ross anyway?" Lily asks "he's pretty cool, Why do you ask?"

"I've never really talked to him, not because of the rumors because I'm way out of his league, but he sounds like an dick so i'm alright with it" she shrugs "he's not actually, have you met Gabriella though?" I laugh  "ew" she makes a disgusted face "she needs to step on Lego"

"That's a little to far Lily" I start laughing "I Can be mean when I want to" she shrugs

For the rest of the day I'm going to try to avoid Ross and Gabriella, I definitely don't want to get into any drama or cause any drama. I really just want to get through the year in one quick motion, which I doubt will happen but a girl Can dream.

"I hate algebra" lily scoffs "I'm not going to use any of this stuff"

"Math nerds may want to" I note "well it should be an option if we want to take it, I mean a lot of us don't know What we are going to do when we are older but I definitely don't want to do anything that involves variables or anything in that area" she chuckles softly

"You make a good point" I will give her that, I have No clue What I'm going to be. A lot of interesting stuff out there would probably involve physical contact

"Laur" Ross runs up from behind us "you are like everywhere I turn!" I say getting slightly frustrated "looks like fate brought us together, anyway I don't get this algebra stuff and you seem to get it Can you help me out?"

"You mean like tutor you?" I ask dimsighted "Yeah" he nods "sure here's my number we'll discuss the details later" I jot down my number and hand it to him "Thanks" he walks away

"I regret that" I sigh

"Really!?" Lily says annoyed "I'm sorry!" I raise my hands in surrender "I'm just trying to protect you Laura" she crosses her arms, and I get that. She's doing this all to protect me, but Ross just has a face that you can't say No to. "I know lily I'm stupid" I rub my temples "call off the tutor session" she demands "I can't do that lily he needs my help!"

"Laura apparently you don't get the difference between good people and bad people"

"Lily just stop picking a fight" I begin walking away "you just like the others!" She yells "What!?" I turn around "you trust some idiot guy instead of you friends because of his looks but Laura I really pity you because you are so blind sided by his looks" and just like that she walks off, I begin walking too.  I fight back tears, I'm very sensitive and I hate it. And disappointing or making lily mad is the last thing I wanted to do.

Picture: #mce
Song: what we're about by Ross lynch

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