Chapter 1- Super Woman

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A/N so I decided to upload this early because even I couldn't wait:D this is my second time writing this chapter because wattpad decided to be stupid and delete everything>:( so I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you don't like this version simply don't read it:)

Chapter 1

My mom used to tell me I was a super hero, and I would believe her. I would spend hours outside pretending I was fighting off bad guys with a blanket cape and a princess wand.

I wish I was a super hero. But unfortunately that requires being able to save people lives, which I would kill them instead.

Imagine just touching somebody and they turn to dust, seeing the horror on their face only for a spilt second, but was indented into your memory for the rest of your life.

Hi, I'm Laura. A 16 year old serial killer- I didn't intend to be one my mom says I was curse, but curses Can be lifted, and I highly doubt I'd ever get rid of this.

"Hi super Ella," my mom barges into my room calling me by my old super hero name, of course my name isn't Ella but my five year old mind thought it would be cool to combined a super hero with Cinderella.

"Ready to go see doctor drew?" Doctor drew is my therapist, of course I don't need a therapist, but my mom told me it would help me 'cope with my curse'.

"No" I sigh and she sits next to me on my bed "careful not to touch me" I scooch over slightly

"I know you don't like going but hunny, it will help you in the long run." She smiles "I know" I force myself to smile. "Okay c'mon" she gets up and begins walking out "ugh!"

"And No ughing" she yells from the hallway. She really hates me ughing


I don't understand the point of therapy, Yeah it helps some people but for me it's just a man in a tuxedo that repeats the same questions every week I see him.

"Laura! My star patient" doctor drew greets me as I walk in making me slightly uncomfortable "you know where to go" my mom sits in one of the waiting room chairs along side a bunch of people that are looking at me like I just murdered someone the outgoing fierce side of me would've said "take a picture it will last longer" but unfortunately I am not fierce enough let outgoing enough to ever say that- and my mom's right there.

I enter his office where I am instantly greeted by the smell of white board ink which he ironically doesn't have a white board.

There is his desk sitting right in front if the door which is neatly organised and another desk in front of it, which has nothing on it, my seat.

I sit down and doctor drew walks in shortly after "hello Laura" he smiles "hi" I brush my hair behind my ear

I would go into every detail of What he asked me but even I would get bored and stop reading. "Okay I just need to go grab your mom and I'll be right back in" instantly I get really nervous, my mom has never been called in here, What if I said something wrong? What if I have time be locked in a asylum and be tested on. (Okay That's a little far fetched)

"Hi sweetie" my mom sits next to me "okay I have some good news" doctor drew starts "my curse has been lifted!?" I ask excitedly "No, but you are going to be enrolled in a new school"

Is he kidding!? My secret will be exposed the second I walk through the doors!

"My curse though" I rub my temples "I know but as long as you don't touch anyone you should be good. Going to a regular school will help you adapt to kids your own age and help your education"

"I Can continue home schooling her" my mom offers "but That's What know saying, it won't help her become close to a normal teenager"

"Thanks" I say sarcastically "it's up to you Laura" my mom says "I guess I'll try it" I roll my eyes

"Great!" He cheers

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