Chapter 7- arguements *read authors note

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I slept in today so I have to get ready at lightnening speed, I put on a plain purple top and skinny jeans that are actually a little to small on the legs I also where converse and grab a breakfast bar the head out the door, I have to run to school which sucks because showing up at school with pit stains isn't on my bucket list.

I arrive and I search for lily or Ross, I see Ross but he's with his friends and I don't want to interupt so I sit on a bench near him. He doesn't seem to notice me though I'm close enough to hear their conversation "Laura or Beth?" Jace asks Ross "Laura, you?" I blush at just answer "Beth, Laura's hot but too skinny." Fair enough, I'm basically skin and bones. "You like Laura though" jace winks at Ross "I don't know, she's hot and all" he starts "but her curse" jace interupts "yeah" he nods "you could've saved her life though" their one friend points out, I forget his name though "how so?" Ross questions "girls are hormonal, no touch means no boyfriend, sex, kissing, hand holding, cuddling. She has to isolated herself from everyone. You're lucky she hasn't killed herself" he explains "I could see that, I will stick around her. Hopefully I won't die though she would probably. You know if I left" for some reason I get offended from this it hurts a lot so I walk up to them "excuse me?" I stand beside Ross "nothing" he smiles at me nervously "I heard what you said. I'm not fond of it" I say pretty bitchy "sorry" his friends making ooos and ahhhs at my attitude "can we talk alone?" Ross says awkwardly "yeah they can leave" I shoot them a glare and they walk off "I wouldn't go as far as talking my life if I didn't have you" I state "I know" he says quietly looking at just feet "why would you say that then?" I say obviously pissed "I don't know it's just what they expect from me" he shrugs "since when to you have to say something like that about your friends to your other friends" I croak "you are just hanging out with me so that I don't die?" I continue scolding him "Laura you know I didn't mean it" he looks up and our eyes meet and stay that way "bullshit" I say quietly without breaking the gaze "Laura I like you, and I don't know. I haven't had a situation Like this im so confused and don't know what to do or say" he whispers "prove it, don't talk shit about me and treat me right

"You're mad?" Ross asks after science class, "as hell" I walk as fast as I can to my locker "look I don't know how you want to Be treated, I need some help" he shrugs "you can figure it out," I try not to smile at my careless attitude "I'm 98% sure I can't but the 2% will keep me going" he points out  "that's the way to Be positive" I give him a obviously faked smile "look I'm really sorry" he apologizes "I know"

"Laura" lily walks up from behind us giving Ross a dirty look "lily" I giggle back "what's up?" She smiles "torturing Ross" I laugh as we walk off and Ross follows "I'm right here" he says annoyed "why don't you go hang out with your other friends?" Lily says nicely "they're dicks" Ross mumbles "I know that" lily laughs "I'm going to go" Ross walks off to somewhere "finally" I groan "I'm glad you finally came to your senses" lily laughs as we enter fine arts class  "better sooner then later" I say enthusiastically "damn right" we sit down at our desk "I thought that you might end up with a huge crush on him and forgive him for any dick move he did"

"I had a small crush, but I'd Have to Be a idiot to forgive him without getting revenge" I smirk "amen sister, how exactly are you going to get revenge?"

"Be a total bitch and make him do nice things for me" okay, this seems so evil and rude but I really do want him to prove it. Yes a part of me forgives him but honestly he deserves all that's coming for him "great," she smiles "I suck at revenge though so don't come to me for advice" she giggles "noted" I nod

"Sorry Laura" Ross stands at my desk with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, I hear a bunch of gaps and mumbles from everyone. Stunned I take the flowers without saying a word "thanks" I finally spit out after a period of awkward silence "no problem" he sits down beside a guy I believe named Keegan but I'm not too sure "okay that was cute" lily laughs "yeah" I say looking at the bouquet of roses, petunias, Daisy's, and other pretty flowers I don't know the name of "you went as red as a tomato" she teases "did I really?" I ask embarrassed "or as red as that rose" she winks "oh stop" I giggle "how'd he get the flowers so fast" I say still admiring the flowers "probably from one of his friends" she shrugs "there's a dollar store down the road" she shrugs "these are real flowers" I point out "um, there might be a flower shop near there. I don't go around there too often I mostly stay in my room" she giggles "sounds like me" I laugh "either way, they're still gorgeous and that was like something from the movies" she smirks "my life is a lot like a movie" I point out "lucky" she rolls her eyes "my life would be a very boring movie" she laughs "it would get interesting, a lot of movies are like that" I say trying to give her hope "this isn't the movies however"

A/N I am so so so so so so sorry that this is so short I literally couldn't think of anything! I know I said it was a big chapter but it was too hard to write I'll try to make the next one long and special but I can't make any promises. Please don't hate me;_;

The media is Melissa Beniost who plays Lilly but with glasses:)

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