Chapter 10- Lynches

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"I was thinking we could watch movies at my house? If that's alright with you and your parents" Ross says driving away from our movie-like dinner date. "Definitely alright with me, and my curfew is 11 and it's only 7 so we have plenty of time" I explain watching him drive, i'm assuming he just started driving. Well he definitely did since he's only 17, it's adorable how nervous he is right now, I don't know if it's the driving or the date but something's making his skin crawl. "I don't really have dry clothes so we should drop by my house" I add "oh you can borrow some of my sisters" Ross chuckles "okay, she wouldn't mind right?" I play with my freshly painted finger nails "no, she's about your size. She's tall though so I don't know how that works"

"I'm pretty short" I laugh "shorts girls are better" he quickly looks over winking at me then his eyes shoot back to the road "they can give guys a blow job without having to kneel" I laugh "sorry that was gross" he starts to laugh "no that's the funniest thing I've heard all day" he says which I'm not to sure if he really means it or not "I'm used to dirty sense of humor I have 5 brothers" he laughs even more "no wait 4 rydels a chick" he corrects himself "wait 3..that was embarrassing" he blushes and I laugh at his brain fart I like to call it "that was really cute" I kiss his cheek quickly, "my stupidity is cute?" He questions me "yes, well your not stupid but that was a bit of a brain fart" I say nervously "you're the cute one laur" I can see that ross' cheeks are still red in my peripheral vision "awe" I swoon like I just saw a cute puppy "we're so cheesy" I giggle "Yep," he smiles proudly "are we almost to your house?" I wonder absentmindedly "Yep" he repeats, we eventually turn down a street with huge house that had to have at least five rooms minimum, I admire the house as we drive down the street getting more and more curious as to what Ross' house looks like. We turn into a huge house that is white and has a beautiful flower bed, his house is indescribable is what comes to mind first, he did say he has three brothers plus a sister so that makes sense to have a night house, unlike some families that have one kid with seven rooms and five bathrooms

"Welcome to my humble abode" he Parks his car "rydel is at dance with my mom, my dad is at work and my brothers are at a party which I could care less about. You're lucky laur, it's rare for me to be home alone" he fiddles with his keys to open the front door. After a couple seconds he unlocks the door and I enter his house fascinated, his house is really nice. It's huge, he has a set of two stair cases in front of the door and a living room to my right with really nice couches and a huge tv I can't see the kitchen from where I'm standing but I do see a dining room table which looks super expensive

"I know it's a lot, I'll get you some clothes" Ross races up the stairs, I almost forgot that I was soaked with water which is weird, it's one of the most uncomfortable feelings. I take off my shoes and line then up with the rest near the door. "Rydels room is locked, I'll get you some of mine sorry they'll be pretty big on you" he laughs standing at the top of the stairs "that's fine- thank you" I run my fingers through my wet hair, after a couple minutes he comes down stairs with different clothes on and hands me some clothes "there's track pants and a tee shirt, it's not the most attractive outfit but you'll rock it" he jokes, at least I think so "oh I bet I will" I say sarcastically "where's the bathroom?" I ask "oh follow me" he walks up the stairs, we walk down the hallway where I admire all the pictures and instruments and pictures of instruments "right here" he opens the door, my eyes light up at the sight of my dream bathroom, a line of counters and a huge shower with a spa tub with a bubble button "I'd sleep in this tub" I think out loud "not gonna lie it's a pretty nice bathroom" Ross shrugs "I'm moving in with you" I take off my tee shirt, which isn't a big deal since I'm wearing a tank top underneath "I'll have to run that by my parents but I'm all for it and rydel would be to" he chuckles, I realise that rydel actually lives with five guys plus Ellington their family friend so I would be glad to have another girl living here too. I shut the door and change until the over sized clothes "done" I open up the door to see that Ross is still standing there "you look like a queen" he takes my hand "and you look like a king" I look at his similar outfit "where do I put my clothes?" I wonder "oh just throw them in my dirty laundry come with me" we walk to his room still holding hands, I put my clothes in his hamper and there's a long awkward silence "wanna watch a movie?" Ross asks "Yeah" I nod "goody" he kisses my nose and we walk over to a self with a bunch of movies we sit on the floor and Ross scans the shelf while I run my fingers over his hands "I vote the spectacular now, have you seen it?" Ross pulls it off the shelf "no, it's a romantic movie isn't it?" I look at the cover which is a couple sitting on a car in a park "yeah I love romantic movies, judge me" he laughs "no way I love romantic movies they're the best, sure let's watch it" I pull is chin to face me and I Peck his lips, we both smile and kiss again "I've been wanting this since I first met you" Ross whispers, I don't say me too since that would be lying since I didn't want to. I did want to after awhile so I go with "I've been wanting to for awhile" we kiss for awhile and then we go downstairs in the living room to watch the movie "I suck at electronics so don't judge me if I have difficulties playing this" Ross puts the disc in and waits for it to play "like what is happening" is says as the screen turns to static "change the channel maybe?" I suggest "wait the cable is plugged in, I need to plug in the dvd player" he sighs and plugs it in, the movie starts playing so he jumps onto the couch and we cuddle while watching the movie, once the movie is done we go to the kitchen to make a snack "my sister is going to be home soon, prepare to be bombarded with questions" Ross looks at the time on the fridge "shall we make brownies?" Ross opens the cupboard "we shall" I giggle sitting on the counter "I'm like a master chef I could be on one of those cooking competition shows" he brags "well, we're baking and I bet I could do better" I challenge "Same thing, and it's on. This bag makes two batches of Brownies you make one and I'll make one, Rydel will taste them and whichever she likes better is the master chef" he challenges "what if she doesn't want to?" I laugh "I'll force feed her, so what do you say?" He holds the Brownie package "it's on" I smirk and heels rips open the bag "grab the bowls please they're in that cupboard" he points to one beside the fridge, I grab the bowls and Ross dumps even amounts of Brownie mix in each bowl, we start to make the Brownies and Ross grabs a lot of extra goodies like sprinklers and icing for after they're done cooking and we sit at the table waiting for the Brownies to cook "mine are definitely going to be better" I smirk "is that so Marano?" Ross threatens "Yep, Lynch" I wink as Rydel walks in "I'm home, mom won't be until midnight!" she yells and drops her bags, "I Smell Brownies" she turns to face me "oh hi I'm Rydel!" Her face lights up "oh my God you're gorgeous you must be Laura, raura's official right?" She smile hugely, she's super outgoing and nice. I like her. "Raura?" I laugh "Yeah it's you and ross' couple name, ever since Ross told me he liked you I've been rooting for you two to get together" she claps and sits next to me at the table "rydel stop talking" ross says embarrassed "awh is rossy embarrassed?" She taps his nose "please go upstairs, by the way you'll be taste testing our brownies to see who made the best brownies" Ross tells her "good luck laura ross' Brownies are pretty good" she warns "told you" ross sticks his tongue out at me "and may I ask why Laura's wearing your clothes?" She raises her eyebrows "rydel gross, no nothing happened" ross groans "Okay" she winks "nothing happened" I laugh "by the watch raura is official" I say realizing I never answered her question "good" she walks upstairs.
After several random conversations between me and Ross his brothers come home noisily and I'm pretty sure drunk "Riker Ross has a hot girl over I think they had sex!" One of them slurs "no ratliff we didn't!" Ross days angrily "get some!" He laughs and sits down to take off his shoes "ross had sex?" Riker walks into the kitchen "no! Guys you're not allowed to be drinking" ross tried to shoo them "I didn't have anything to drink" riker says obviously oblivious to his slur in his voice and red eyes "I didn't drink I promise I was at romeos they needed a ride" their sober brother grabs a pepsi out of the fridge "good you're Like 15" Ross runs his hand through his hair "let's go upstairs" Ross grabs my hand and we walk upstairs "make safe choices!" One of them yells "wait what time is it?" I ask when we get into his room "12" ross answers after checking his phone "shoot I had to be home at 11!" I panic "I'm so sorry Laura!" Ross says with adorable puppy dog eyes "no it's not your fault," I shake my head "you can stay over if you want, I mean like nevermind you're already past curfew I can't imagine what would happen if you stayed the night" he shakes his head "no that sounds good, I'll just tell my mom that I'm staying at a friends, it's not a lie, you're just a really good friend" I giggle and text my mom

A/N ONCE THIS CHAPTER GETS 10 VOTES I'LL UPLOAD THE NEXT CHAPTER thank you so much for 1k reads it means a lot and thank you for all the nice comments and votes you Guys don't know how much it means to me. You're all adorable and I love all of you who vote and support my writing, I know I'm not the best and I'm sorry that I don't upload too often but it's really nice to have you.
Picture: Rydel lynch who plays herself
Song: Here comes forever by R5
OMG guys the kcas we're tonight and a&a laura and ross won! I'm like so so proud of them, AND Laura got signed to big machine records and Laura also hit one million followers on instagram! she is becoming so accomplished I'm so so proud of all of them

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