Chapter 2- School

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It is simply cruelty that I have to get up at 6:00 in the morning for school, if I knew I'd had to get up this early I never would've agreed. I lay there half awake waiting for my mom to come get me, but even then I'll probably fake being asleep to see if she'll let me sleep in longer.

"Laura?" my mom says quietly opening the door speak of the devil "it's your first day of school" I shove my face into the pillow "five more minutes" I say as loud as I Can "I can't understand you win your face is shoved into a pillow" she laughs I lift my head to face her holding a video recorder in her hand "are you recording me?" I ask embarrassed "I'm trying to capture your first day of school I did this for Vanessa" Vanessa is my sister, which she doesnt live with us right now because she lives in hollywood with our aunt, she's on a tv show so it's much easier to live there until the show is over. "That's so embarrassing" I throw a pillow at her playfully "come on hun get ready" she shuts the camera off "fine" I sigh. I throw on a blue denim-type button up shirt that I rolled to selves up to my elbow and cute leggings that have this diamond pattern on it with a pair of black knock off uggs. I quickly have cereal and brush my teeth then my mom drives me to school.

At school

I arrive at school, it's a two story building with red bricks there's groups of students around the front yard there's the ones that look like they came out of a magazine-the plastics, there's jocks that are either tackling each other or playing ball but the thing that really tells me they're jocks is that the fact all of them are wearing a school jacket or top. There's Indie rock wannabes that are gather in the grass signing and playing guitar, geeks that are clicking away at their computers and the gross couples that are making out of to the side practically sucking their faces off.

"Gross" I say to myself "well honey there it is have a good day love you" she waves "love you too" I hop out of the car and make my way to the office, I remember where it was because of registration when they showed me around, and the office is the only knew that I Can remember my way to. "Hello" the secretary greets my with a smile "hi I'm new here, laura marano" I smile brightly "oh yes laura" she types something into her computer "you're first class is geography you can go make your way to it Mr. Davis should be in there. He'll give you futher intructions" points out the door "wheres geography?" I ask embarrassed "Oh I'll get someone to show you" she smiles and calls someone to her desk "hi Lillian Can you show Laura here where geography is" she points to me "Oh Yeah sure" she smiles "right this way" she starts walking out, she would be in the nerd group I'm guessing she has brown eyes with glasses over top of them and brown hair pulled back into a low messy bun and on top a Barrett, yes a Barrett. She's wearing a white top and a Jean jacket and a long purple skirt that goes down to her ankles along with strappy sandles. "Call me lily by the way" we stop at the classroom "I'm guessing geography is your first class?" she opens the door "Yeah" I nod "mine too! Hi Mr. Davis" she waves to the teacher sitting behind his desk doing something on his iphone. She's sits down near the middle of the classroom, "wanna sit beside me" she gestures "sure" I sit down

"Ms. Marano right?" Mr. Davis asks making me jump, lily notices and giggle "y-yeah" I stutter "meet anybody except Ms. Gray?" He asks, I'm assuming he's referring to lily "No" I shake my head


After class I walk over to my locker and a group of guys make their way over to me one of them whistles

"Hey" A tall brunette bites his lip seductively "bye" I start walking "wait" he calls after me "yes" I stop and turn around "your pretty cute, I haven't seen you around here before are you new?" He runs his hands through his hair "Yeah" I fiddle with my fingers walking closer to him "well I'm Jace, this is Mike, Brady, Hansen and my man Ross" he points to them "hi" Ross greets he's pretty cute he's taller then have and he has messy blond hair and hazel eyes, his hands are stuffed in his pocket and he has a whole 'I don't care' vibe going on. "I better get going" I walk off "wait Ross catches up to me "what's your name?" He fiddles with his shirt "Laura" I smile "well Laura, sorry about Jace, he Can be a real douche just take it has a compliment, he thinks your hot" he shrugs "and you are pretty cute so just beware a lot lf guys at this school can be jerks" he smiles and walks off "bye" I begin walking to class

"Were you just talking to Ross?" Lily walks up from behind me "Yeah why?" I look around for the class "he just wants to get know girls pants along with all his friends don't be fooled bye him" No, not Ross, he seemed sweet. the type of sweet That's not a cover story. "No, he warned me about idiots guys are this school, I don't think he would if he was one"

"Mind games" she rubs her temples "please, don't get yourself hurt" she sounds concerned "I won't, Thanks for caring" I stop at the door to my next class. "That's What friends do, you don't really have a choice now we have to be friends." She keeps a serious tone while saying it "deal" I laugh

//Hey guys! So here's another update as together Can tell! Sorry I'm really bad at making my chapters long I'll try my best at it.

And OMG this song (that I linked) it's one of my favs *insert heart eye emoji* if you don't like it too bad:')

Who do you think should play Lily? When I was writing the old version I pictured Kelsi from high school musical but I assume she doesn't look like that anymore:/ so leave suggestions down below and also sorry this chapter is a lot different from the original version the other chapters are closer to it trust me//

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