The box

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I wake up gasping for air. It feels like my lungs are collapsing in on me. 

My ears were pounding, only allowing me to hear this annoying ring.

I suddenly have the urge to vomit so I roll over and puke, yet the only thing to be coming out is water. “Oh that’s just disgusting.” I blurt out straight after.

Finally getting a grip on my uneasy stomach I realise the ringing is gone.

‘Thank god for that’ I thought as I finally looked around.

Everything is so dark and there is only a small amount of light coming from the sides of where I am. Feeling the ground around me I start to walk but get up too quickly and bang my head on...something? 

Touching above my head I realise there is a wired roof. Squinting my eyes I find the worst possible thing, a cage. 

Yep, I'm stuck in a freaking cage!

In anger I kick one of the many smaller boxes around me only to immediately regret it.

“Ouch! Holy fucker! That hurt!” I screech from the top of my lungs. Looking down to see I kicked what seemed to be solid wood.

Looking around once again I think about my options. I can A, scream for help until I am somehow found (though if someone were coming i think they would have heard me yell) or I can B, wait it out.

After a mini battle in my head about what to do I decided that sitting down and waiting is the best option. I mean someone has to come eventually right?

Taking a deep breath in, I decide to go through all my senses again as that’s what I do when I'm stressed out.

Touch? I can feel the metal of the cage.
Sight? Looking around at the flashing lights, I mentally tick sight off too.
Smell? Whatever it is it’s putride...feet that’s what it smells like, it smells like disgusting feet.
Taste? Well...I can't taste anything now, but I also don't remember the last time I ate so that might explain it.

Wait! I can’t remember the last time I ate, who forgets something like that? It’s like forgetting your family and friends.

Pfft I would never do that. I'm sure my parents miss me wherever they are… wait, my parents? I don’t remember them, my friends? my house? If I have any animals? I don’t remember any of it.

'What is going on?' Just as that thought enters my mind I hear voices, voices getting louder and louder. Standing up I fall down to the ground as I start to feel extreme pressure on me forcing the cage upward. 

All of a sudden it stops and a bright light pours in, shielding my eyes from the light with my hand a mumble ‘heaven is that you?’

The Glade (ReaderxGally) On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now