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I'm walking aimlessly around the glade when I see Newt come over to me with a brown box in hand.

“Hey Y/N, we were getting the supplies out of the box like normal but we found this box with your name on it. We opened it to make sure it wasn’t dangerous but it had a heap of stuff in it and uhhh no-none of the boys know what it is; so we were wondering if you could tell us?” He asks nervously with his cute accent.

Why would I have a separate box? Is it a gift? No, why would whoever put us here give me a gift? 

Newt hands me over the brown box and as soon as I open it I know exactly what it is. Pads and tampons. Well at least I don’t have to use leaves or something but how am I meant to explain this to newt?

“So do you know what it is?” 

“Aa umm yeah, yeah I know what it is.” Seeing the expectant look on his face I continued “It’s a thing just for girls, so you guys don't have to worry about it, it’s not dangerous or anything if that’s why you’re asking.”

“So what does it do? Why do girls only get to use it?”

“Umm well it’s because, how do I explain this? Only girls get this thing and because of that only girls get to use what’s in the box?...Do you know what a period is?” I ask. I mean he probably wouldn’t but if he does then it would make all of this much less awkward and a lot easier.

He answers while pulling a disgusted face. “Well obviously. It's that disgusting thing that happens to girls once a month and they get all moody.” I'm honestly surprised by his knowledge. 

I look at him then the box trying to hint what i'm getting at. After a few seconds of me repeating this I know he knows what I'm hinting at because his face goes into ah ‘O’ shape. He then looks at me then the box and back again. He does that two more times before turning around and walking off. 

‘...well that wasn’t awkward at all.’

Glancing around I see Gally looking in my direction, waving my hand. I got up to him and his friend. “Hey Gally. I believe we haven’t met yet, I'm Y/N.” I say, directing my attention to the other glader while sticking my hand out.

“Cooper and I know who you are, this one has a thing for you.” He says smugly while looking at a flustered Gally and shaking my hand.

‘Does he really like me? No of course not we just met. Do I like him? I mean he’s nice to me and pretty sweet too and don’t even get me started on the looks- ugh whatever not the time Y/N!’

 “And you dont?”I ask sassily.

“Ya know what, I haven’t even seen me but it’s about what’s on the inside and all the sappy shit right?”

“LANGUAGE!” I hear someone from the glade shout at me.

“ENGLISH!” I shout back. While the two boys in front of me die with laughter.

“Are you coming to the bonfire?” Gally switches the subject.

“What else would I be doing? All i’ve heard was something about jobs and they don’t sound fun at all then there’s the typical bonfire when the new greenie comes up but other then that what do you guys do? Just walk around?” I question.

“I’m gonna take that as a yes, but yeah I guess we just walk around but some people like Chuck carve things or when the runners get back we play some games like tag cause they’ll be tired. Your brother’s really talented by the way, you should see some of the stuff he’s done.” He answers.

“Ok I’ll make sure to ask him soon. I am going to be in the forest if you need anything. So see you soon?”

“Yeah, ya know we don’t call it a forest.”

“I know but it sounds so mysterious when you say ‘i’m in the forest’ instead of ‘i’m in the only bit of green we have in the glade where all the trees are and where it would probably make a good place to scare someone at night or when it rains.’ Plus it's just a cooler word.” I called while running off.

The Glade (ReaderxGally) On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now