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It has been four days and so far I tried to be a slicer, turns out I faint at the sight of blood so I was rushed to the med-jack's, the boys figured I shouldn't be a med-jack either because of the same reason. I've tried a trackhoe and I wasn't too bad at it but I still didn't like it...and I may have gotten a few things wrong. So today I'm trying out to be a builder and I'm looking forward to it a lot

'That's because you get to spend the day with Gally.' My subconscious reminds me and I don't even mind that that's the reason why I'm looking forward to today. 

Yeah my little crush may have turned into a big crush over the past few days. I've spent more time with him then anyone else in the glade which makes me feel guilty for not spending so much time with Chuck but I guess when I'm with Gally time turns into a background noise and we don't notice or mind. 

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Gally asks, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to the with the rest of the gladers eating breakfast. 

"Oh nothing too important. "

"If it's not too important then you can tell me." He persuades. 

"I was just thinking about trying out to be a builder today. Ya know? Like if this doesn't go well then I'll probably end up being a slopper. Who knows if I'm any good in the kitchen and it's pretty obvious I'm not going to be a runner. " I ramble.

"Hey it's gonna be ok, I promise. If being a cook doesn't work out you can be a builder and I'll just teach you a little more outside of work hours because there is no way in the world that my greenie is gonna be a slopper." He says as he wraps his familiar comforting arms around me. Yet as quick as they come they go again. 

I blush at the jester and being called his greenie, I mean I'm sure he didn't mean it but I still got flutters In my stomach. "Yeah that sounds good… so your greenie huh?" I tease.

"Uh oh I-I didn't mean that, like you're your own person and you're obviously not mine, I mean why would you be right? You're way too beautiful for that, but yeah I didn't mean it in like a possessive or anything, I'm not trying to control you if that's what you're scared about." He rambles in one breath yet quickly catches himself when he says I'm beautiful. He's actually quite cute, all nervous with a faint blush over his nose and cheeks. 

I glance up, locking eyes with him before mumbling, "I wouldn't mind being yours." While quickly getting up and exiting the dining hut before he has a chance to reply. 


“Ok so we’ll start with one of the broken chairs. So you take the back of the hammer….” I completely space out while Gally is talking, all I can do is watch him.

‘Does he know how good he looks in that shirt? He just looks so tempting with the sun hitting him in all the right places making his muscles bulge but not in a bad way.’

“Y/N. Y/N!” I focus my eyes again to see it’s Gally calling my name. “Did you listen to anything or were you too busy staring?”

“Yep.” I say it without thinking. Watching a smirk come onto his face I realise my words as my eyes widen. “Yep, yes I-I heard what you were saying. That's why I said yep, not yep to the other thing.” I stuttered out while crossing my arms trying to make it look like I knew what was going on.

“That’s not what the drool suggests, ya know? Unless you get turned on by fixing chairs.” He says thinking he trapped me.

I immediately reached up to wipe my lip to indeed find that there was a bit of drool. ‘Shuck, what do I say. I can either say ‘yes I get turned on by chairs’ which will make me seem really weird or I can admit that I was checking him out, I don’t know which is worse.'

Feeling a sudden rush of confidence “Well, have you seen yourself?” I ask with an eyebrow raised shamelessly looking him up and down.

I think it’s safe to say that he didn’t expect that reaction. I turn to walk away.

“I see your body everyday but you haven’t seen me drooling, have you beauty?” He calls out.

I stop as a blush coats my cheeks from the name. I spin to him. “Who’s to say I haven’t seen you. Plus I know you dream about me.” I take a step closer to him with each sentence.

“You bet I do honey. But don’t act so innocent, I notice how you check me out when I walk past or how you turn your head when someone says my name.” He copies my movement getting closer.

“Who said that I like you, I could be turning my head from the annoyance of people wasting their time talking about you. And don’t you get tired of constantly seeing me day and night?”

“Well who says the dreams with you aren’t nightmares?” We’re now centimeters apart.

Leaning up I whisper in his ear. “You talk in your sleep babe, or should I say groan?” 


“Hey greenie.”

“Hi Frypan, thanks for lunch.” I say as he hands me a sandwich.

“Once you finish, come into the kitchen because you are trying out to be a cook after lunch.”

“Yep, I can’t wait Fry.”

“Hey sis can you come sit with me?” I hear Chuck call out.

Walking over to his table I see Newt, Minho and Alby along with a few others I haven’t gotten to know yet. “Hey guys.” I greet sitting down next to Chuck receiving a greeting from everyone but a small glare from Alby instead. Taking a bite of my sandwich. Looking up, my eyes catch a certain pair of moss eyes causing me to choke.

“Y/N are you ok?” I hear Chuck say while Newt places his hand on my shoulder rubbing circles. ‘As if that’s gonna do anything Newt.’ I think while internally rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, I'm good. My mind just went somewhere else for a second.” I answer while looking down in embarrassment.
“Oh my god who is it?!” Minho asks overly loud making a few people turn our way.

“What? What are you talking about?” I ask as my face shows pure confusion.

“The guy.”

“W-what are you talking about?” I say quickly.

“The guy that you like, duh.” He states.

“What, she can’t like a guy.” Newt interrupts quickly and almost defensively.

“Yeah I don’t like anyone Minho, wait.” I stop as I turn to Newt. “What do you mean ‘she can’t like a guy’?” I ask giving a quick look from top to bottom.

“Well i’m just saying that the direction you were looking in is full of shanks and you shouldn’t like any of them, you can’t like any of them.”

“Well excuse you Newt but I can and will like anyone I want.” I say now pissed that he thinks that he has some sort of power over me and a say in who I like. “Hey Chuck i’m gonna go ok? I’ll just help fry.” I say standing up, giving him a kiss on the top of his head. Placing a fake smile on my lips so he doesn’t think anything’s wrong.

“Oh, well can we talk later?” He asks sadly.

“How about after dinner once I’ve finished the dishes? You can teach me to carve, Gally tells me you’re pretty good.”

“Yeah absolutely! Did he really say that?” He says full of hope with a smile tugging at his lips.

“Yeah he did. I’ll see you later, bud.” As I walk away I hear a small ‘Yes.’ making me smile for real this time at how cute he is.

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