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Shouting, that’s what I wake up to. Shouting at first it seems aggressive but then I hear all the laughter surrounding it and calm down.

Getting out of bed I place my hair into a messy bun while walking down the hallway. “Ahhh no! Don’t you even think about it Chuck!” I hear my fathers deep voice warn.

Rounding the corner I see my father at the breakfast table on his phone looking at my brother who has a cup of water in his hand ready to splash my dad. “ok, ok I won’t jeesh.” Chuck says slightly deflated while turning around and slowly walking to sit at the table in front of him.

“Thank you bud, but you know I have a very important meeting today and I can't have my best suit ruined.” He says apologetically yet firmly.

Creeping up behind my dad I see mum with a bowl of pancake mix in her hands. “This isn’t your best suit.” she says while pouring the contents over my dad's head getting it all through his neatly done hair and over his black and white suit. “Ya know you should really clean that hun.” she says, making us all burst out laughing.

Dad scoops the mix from his hair and chucks it at mum. “Oh it’s on.” He challenges.

Chuck runs to the fridge to grab water while I run to get the two 2 kilo bags of flour. We've always talked about doing this but haven’t been able to.

While mum and dad are distaked smooshing cake into one another's clothes, I didn’t even know we had cake, Chuck hands me a water bottle and I hand him a bag of flour. We each count silently to each other and on three I pour water over dad while Chuck does the same to mum then we quickly open the flour and put it onto them and into the air making them look almost unrecognisable.

We’re gonna get you back dad says while looking at Chuck and I, we quickly all run to my room just closing the door in time to lock our parents out while we’re still dying of laughter.

The door shakes as they try to get in then a scream like a gurgle comes from the other side as if someone’s choking. Chuck and I look at each other silently deciding if we should open it or not. Eventually I went over to the door and cautiously opened it, I was met with the faces of my parents but they weren’t. It looked like someone had taken chunks out of their skin and rearranged their faces while having a toddler draw black lines all over their body with glazed over eyes. I could tell they didn’t recognize me.

I shriek and move back trying to close the door but dad’s hand gets in the way and he almost reaches my head. Pulling back I kick his leg then mum’s face as she tries to crawl through the ajar door quickly sealing the door shut again I turn to see Chuck scared out of his skin with a shocked face, silent tears running down his cheeks in a frozen state only looking at the now wobbling door.

“Chuck, come on, we gotta go.” I say as I jump onto my bed and smash the window, reaching for his hand to try and knock him out of his still frozen state.  “Chuck we have to go now. Come on.” I say desperately while pulling at his hand to try and move him towards the bed. “We knew this would happen sooner or later. We’re just lucky it took so long.”

“B-but mum and dad, we can’t leave them. We have to help. They can’t be cranks, they just can't, they're our parents.” He pleaded with the tears flowing faster now, trying to get back to the door, chocking on sobbs.

I go over and grab his hand forcing him to the side of the window while turning his face to me. “They’re not our parents Chuck, they’re monsters.” I deadpan while locking eyes knowing that this is the only way. 'If we think of them as our parents then we will die. We have to think of them as monsters and we have to run. We have to survive.'

I grab a bag while quickly placing a few clothing items of mine and Chuck’s in as well as the two small water bottles I had on my nightstand. I open my draw and get a flash light out. Placing everything in the bag I see a small blanket and use up the remaining space. I place my two daggers on my ankle while shoving my shoes on and giving the third dagger to Chuck. 

Looking back at the banging door it’s almost off its hinges. “Chuck we have to go now, go out first i’ll be right behind you.” I say quickly checking the window area to make sure no other cracks have come into view and luckily they haven’t.

Once I'm out of the window we run as fast and far as we can go.

Gasping I take a breath shooting my eyes open to see the dark night of the glade.

“Hey it’s ok sis.” I get so scared from the sudden voice I fall off my hammock and onto the hard ground.


“Are you ok Y/N?” Chuck says in a worried voice while getting off his hammock, gracefully might I add, nothing compared to the way I got down.

“Yeah, yeah I'm fine Chuck just had a dream. Well it was more like a memory actually. Have you had one of those?” 

“Only one, I'm in a white room with you and another boy on either side of me. We all have needles and restaurants on then the boy starts to scream, then you scream. After a few seconds I see an orange liquid moving through a tube and once it touches my skin it burns, as if lava is being placed in my veins, I scream till the point of passing out then I wake up back in the safety of the glade again.” He finishes with a smile, most likely knowing that he is safe and nothing can hurt him here. He gases over to my horrified face and just asks. “So what was yours about, can’t be worse right?”

“Umm well it was about our parents, we started throwing food and water all over one another and mum put pancake mix all over dad’s nice suit. By the end mum and dad had white flour suck to them.” I say smiling at the memory.

“I wish I could remember, that sounds like so much fun.”

“Yeah, it was. I wish you could remember too.”

“Wait, didn’t you wake up screaming though?” He is confused at my reaction from when I first woke up.

“You poured water all over me then covered me in flour.” I say trying to sell my story with a small laugh at the end. ‘I can’t let him know our parents are dead, it’s probably the one good thing about the memory loss, he didn’t have to see their demonic states. He needs as much hope as he can get. After all, he's just a kid.’ “Hey Chuck, it's still night, you should go to bed again so you have energy in the morning buddy.” I say while giving him a hug.

“Only if you go to sleep too.” He says in his adorable voice.

“Goodnight bro.” I answer while getting back into my hammock fully knowing that I won’t be able to catch another wink tonight.

The Glade (ReaderxGally) On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now