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⚠️TW rape attempt!⚠️


"Ok I'll get a start on the dishes if you can peel the carrots for tonight." Frypan says. "Wait, do you know how to peel carrots?"

I look at him giving him a blank stare. "How dumb do I look?"


"Hey! I'm not that bad, ok?" I giggle getting back to work. After a few minutes Fry speaks again. 

"So who's the guy?"

"Which one are we talking about?" 

"The one you like."

"Who? I don't have one." I answer quickly.

I turn to see him have the don’t-even-try face. “Bull, now who is the Mr fancy that has caught your attention?”

“Well if you must know, he’s not fancy at all. Just...good looking and misunderstood.”

“You have to be kidding me right?” He looks at me with an eyebrow raised.


“You know that you just described basically the whole glade...but going off who you know it could be Cooper, Elisha, John.” With name mentioned my shoulders slowly tense up knowing that he’s running short on names. “ Isaac, Jordan, I think that’s it isn’t it.” I let out a small breath knowing that he didn’t guess it.




“Yep to all of them?”


“Really, not even Gally?”

“W-what are you talking about? It's not Gally, it's the others. Ya know, i’m a  keep-your-options-open, kinda girl.” I say trying to play it cool.

“Y/N you don’t even know who Elisha, John or Isaac are.”

“Yes I do, they’re the runners and John’s a builder.” I lied.

“A, wrong jobs.” ‘Oh shuck, he knows I lied.’ “And B, we don’t even have an Elisha, John or Isaac in the glade. So who is it?”

“Promise you won’t tell?”


“It’s Gally.” I whisper into his ear.

“Ha, called it!”

“Shhhh! What do you mean you called it?”

“You spend a lot of time with him.”

“No I don’t” I defend while he looks at me.

“Don’t try to deny it, you spend the most time with him, then your brother and a little with Newt but after that you give the same amount of attention to everyone else.”

“Oh, well I don’t mean to and i’ve finished the carrots by the way, what do I do now?”

“If you could peel the potatoes that’d be great.”

“Umm Fry, there’s only 2 potatoes.”

“Ok just go out to the track hoes and find Zart, tell him we need a few more potatoes.”

Walking out of the little kitchen style hut I close my eyes from the bright sun but instantly regret it when I bump into something and find myself on the floor. “Ouch.”

“Oh shuck, sorry green bean.” I open my eyes to see Zart holding out a hand.

Taking it I stand up. “It’s ok, it was my fault I had my eyes closed anyway. Plus I was looking for you.”

“You were?” I see a slight smirk forming on his lips while he looks me up and down.

“Uhh yeah I was. Fry says we need more potatoes.” I say removing my hand from his feeling uncomfortable.

“Sure, just follow me.” He turns and starts walking towards the woods. “So how have your other jobs gone?”

“Well I think i’d be a good builder, I fixed a chair and helped build a new hut too…” I ramble on about my day and stop after I realize I've been talking for a while and we’re in the middle of the forest, I start to walk in front of him in a straight line. “Hey, how long-” I stop my sentence when I feel a hand grip my wrist and turn me towards him. I look from his hand up to his eyes confused. “What are you doing?”

“Something we’ll both enjoy.” He says suddenly pushing me into a tree, attaching his lips with mine. 

Pushing against his chest I get some air when he steps back in surprise. “What are you doing?!” I scream in disgust.

Going to push him again he’s too quick and catches my hands in one of his putting them above my head. “Shut up! I said you’d enjoy this, now just shut up and enjoy.” He says right before he smashes his lips into mine, pushing his body flush against mine.

My heart rate increases trying to get my hands free. I bring my leg up to his stomach but not fast enough because he uses other hand to stop my leg pushing it back down and placing his hand onto my neck. ‘As if it wasn’t already hard enough to breathe.’

He pushes his body impossibly close making it so I can’t use my legs anymore. Tears running down my face I start panicking and get light headed from the lack of oxygen. ‘Shit, shit, shit. What should I do? I can’t do anything. Fighting isn’t helping so I really only have one choice left.’

With all the nerves in my body telling me to do the opposite I push my lips into his giving him the same force I feel his lips come to a smile. He breaks apart allowing me to take a much needed breath. “See, I told you you’d enjoy it.” my mouth still slightly open from the relief of air coming to my lungs again he comes at me and slides his tongue into my mouth while moaning.

He takes his hand off my wrists and starts tracing down the side of my body, bringing his hand under my top while moving his lips to my neck sucking harshly. “Moan my name.”

“Mmm Zart.” I say in the most convincing voice I can. 

He moves his hand towards my shorts undoing the button and I feel my stomach churning while chunks come up my throat, all of a sudden I vomit all over him; and let me tell you, I have never been so happy to vomit.

He backs away from me looking sick “What the fuck is wrong with you stupid bitch!?”

Quickly I knee him in the crouch and push him to the ground while I sprint the other way all I can hear is his groaning from the pain. 

The Glade (ReaderxGally) On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now