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If there was one thing Shuiro could shamelessly admit to, it was her rather uncharacteristic crush on Yee Sung, further more known as one of the many vocals for South Korean idol group, Super Junior.

Of course, though Shuiro wasn't afraid to admit her dedication she liked to keep the fact on a down low. Her walls were stripped of their Super Junior posters when she joined Teiko leaving only a plain supposed-to-be-white walls.

Now it only had basketball posters, but even then Akashi tried to limit the amount of idolised people in their room. 

But as Shuiro sat in her dark room with the curtains drawn in order to banish the sunlight, reading intently on the new article in the latest magazine about her favorite band, she turned the page to find Kise. Yes, her ex-student was printed on her page smiling at the camera.

Shuiro blinked owlishly before blanching and throwing the magazine at the wall. It was the only one that hadn't succumbed to Kise's manager and didn't fawn over her surrogate child or brother.

"I-It's ruined..." Shuiro sobbed, crawling stupidly over to her magazine. "K-Kise ruined it. He ruined it!" Soon her red and yellow eyes lost their sadness and glared at the frozen Kise on the page. Oh, she would rip out of the magazine and stop her suffering but...

As Shuiro turned the page, she stared directly as an exclusive interview for Super Junior. "Oh, the pain!" Shuiro could be melodramatic when the time called and right now was completely necessary. The unsuspecting Akashi walked into the room after talking things through with his mother, dropping rules about her absence here and there making Scarlet realize he was bossier than she was.

He froze in the doorway only seeing Shuiro glaring at Kise new photo spread. "Shu-chan, get off of the ground." Shuiro didn't even glance back at him when she threw the rolled up magazine with speed and forced amplified. 

Not surprisingly Akashi caught the magazine and threw it behind him, an act that made Shuiro whimper. She didn't even get to finish reading the article...!

"Come and spend some time with mom."

Akashi frowned at Shuiro's sudden mood change. She fidgeted before drawing her knees to her chest, almost like the idea of spending time with their mother wasn't settling well with her. Using his intellect, Akashi cornered her in.

"You don't want to, do you?" Her down casted eyes answered that. "Why?" He couldn't figure out his sister sometimes. She was happy yesterday, what happened in one day that suddenly made things awkward?!

'No matter how smart I am, Shuiro is a girl and girls are difficult.' Akashi murmured before looking at Shuiro expectantly. She sighed and stood up, shaking her head and grabbing her brush- roughly brushing out the knots without a care in a world. Akashi was unwavering from his spot in the door. "Well?"

"I don't know." She said begrudgingly. "She left us, for a while, didn't talk to us or communicate with us and I thought I forgave her for that-- I don't know why I'm angry at her and I know I shouldn't be." Shuiro blabbered feeling like stalling wasn't going to work.

It never worked against Akashi, she was happy with venting out to him. You see, her twin was blunt and straight forward (Including vicious) so he'd give her an honest opinion.

She had to take a double take at his smug smirk. "What?" She growled, not appreciating his quiet bathing in glory. 

He shrugged before crossing his arms. "Out of the both of us, I never expected you to be the one to hold a grudge." In response Akashi had to match her flaring glare. "It's understandable though. At least try, mom's a better person now."

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