A Real Declaration, False Cooperation

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The declaration was only a few seconds ago and there was no reaction available that could describe the types of emotions the Generation of Miracles were experiencing. Kagami had let himself leave when Akashi had ordered him too, seeing as it was a personal matter between the former Teiko team. They knew something was wrong when Shuiro exited the house with an arm securely wrapped around Scarlet and Akashi but what they were told was a complete surprise. 

Kise had only just started to tear up when it finally broke through his frozen mind. "W-What?" Shuiro nodded solemnly. "I know you have a sick sense of humor, Shuirocchi but t-this is just... Too far!" 

Aomine narrowed his eyes and the fist at his side clenched together tightly. "For once, I agree with the dilt! Whatever act you guys are trying to play, quit it!" Murasakibara's food laid scattered on the floor, his eyes wide with alert. 

"Aka-chin? Shu-chin? What's going on?" He questioned again, something inside of him hoping that he had heard wrong. "Why do you have ALL, Shu-chin? What is that anyway?" They all knew Murasakibara knew what ALL was, he wasn't that dense.

 Shuiro sighed, feeling a bus of guilt run her over mentally. "Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I have cancer." She repeated once again, hoping that they'd understand what she had said this time. Kise denied it immediately, Aomine following up with an:

"You have some really sick jokes, Shuiro!"

Akashi narrowed his eyes before he glanced at Shuiro. "We don't have time to explain things, Shu. We need to go to the hospital as soon as possible." He whispered to her, knowing that she really wanted to talk to the team about what she was going through- he wanted her too, but they didn't have the most time in the world.

Midorima pushed his glasses up. "I'm sorry for hos immature this sounds, Shuiro but... I can't allow this to be true." He said seriously, crushing the lucky item in his left hand. "For whatever reason, you will not have leukemia."

"Acute lymphoblastic leukemia." Shuiro correctly blandly, aware that there were more than one type of 'leukemia'.

Midorima snapped. "Don't correct me on this, Shuiro!" Akashi was enraged at it but Shuiro had a look of understanding with his reaction therefore she apologized quietly.

Kuroko blinked a couple of times before his thin line he called a mouth settled into a deep frown. "Thank you for telling us," The other members turned to him in enraged shock, "how long has this been going on, Shuiro-san?" 

Aomine grabbed Kuroko's collar, pulling him to his height. "What the hell, Tetsu? Are you actually believing this bullshit!" Kuroko's frown was still prominent when he grabbed Aomine's hand and tugged on it. 

"I'm believing it because it's true, whether I- we like it or not. Denying it will... only hurt us further." Aomine's eyes blazed and he honestly looked like he was considering knocking Kuroko out, but Shuiro jumped to his defence.

"Daiki, put Tetsu down. He's just as affected by this news as the rest of you," Aomine dropped the phantom man instantly. Shuiro turned to Kuroko, assessing his frown with a sad look. "I had first reached my peak when I was 4. The disease reappeared when I was 14, and I've left it untreated since then."

Momoi's teary eyes widened, "Shu-chan, ALL can be dangerous if left untreated for as little as a weak! It's been 2 years!" Shuiro nodded. "I-It's a miracle you're even standing here in front of us now!"

"Shut up, Satsuki!" Aomine barked, barely acknowledging the frigthened flinch of Momoi at his tone. "All of you, shut up! If Shuiro's been alive for 2 years with whatever make-believe cancer she's made up, then she'll be alive for another 20 years! 40, 50, whatever!" 

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