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Thank you and sorry for discontinuing the story for a while :L

Shuiro smiled politely as the butler offered the group some drinks. Even though they had already downed their water bottles, Kagami, Aomine and Kise accepted the fancy looking juice and devoured it in a minute. Soon, it became a competition on who could drink the most. Shuiro let them do as they wished, aware that it would impact on their training. 

Oh well. They were old enough to look after themselves >:)

After Kise had chugged down his last cup and grudgingly admitted his defeat, something Shuiro had no doubt was very difficult with him, he asked something that the team had thrown at the back of their minds. "Shuirocchi, what was that super fast thing you did at the Winter Cup?" and just like that all eyes were on her. Shuiro didn't mind and calmly sipped her drink through the straw. 

"That was Dilatory Eye." She said without a change in her voice of emotions. With her eyes still closed, she took yet another sip from her straw. The boys and girl waited eagerly until they realized that that information would be all they were going to get. 

Akashi sighed. She still didn't talk about things unless asked- and she was always vague when she answered. That was probably why no one liked talking to her or him for that matter. Kise huffed and edged closer. "What does it do~?"

Shuiro ignored Kagami's "-What the hell does dilatory mean?-" and Aomine's "-You're a retard, Kagami-" as she contemplated how much to give away. "It slows everything down."

Kagami looked confused. "Huh? But that doesn't make sense. If you're moving at such unimaginable speeds then shouldn't your ability be to speed up things, not slow it down?" Kise made his agreement with Kagami obvious and loud, and Aomine once again took a jab as Kagami's academic smarts. This time it was a snide compliment. 

Momoi smiled though and Shuiro knew that she had got the idea. "Ah, I get it! I think Shu-rin uses her 'Dilatory Eye' to do the opposite of what it's suppose to do. With everything around you being slow, either you're of average speed- which, compared to everything, is rather fast- or Kagamin is right. Though, I highly doubt it." Kagami protested and only got laughs from Aomine and Kise, even a little smile from Kuroko.

Akashi smirked slightly, impressed with Momoi's deduction. He expected nothing less from Teiko's former manager. Shuiro seemed to agree because she smiled once more. "Correct. As expected from you Suki-chan. Though that was a pretty good assumption, Taiga."

Kagami shrugged. If it wasn't right it was worth-- Ah, he was sounding like the damn freaks surrounding him! "What's the weakness, Shuiro?" Midorima asked coldly as he fixed his glasses with his taped left hand. He was holding a cactus that matched his hair color, amusingly enough. 

Shuiro didn't let her thinking show. "The fact that I'm a teenage. This body has it's limits, ones that even I can't push without gaining severe consequences. Like the rest of you, really." Shuiro revealed evenly, already aware of the next question. 

Kuroko was surprisingly the person to ask this time. "And how much can you use your speed, Shuiro-san?" Shuiro opened her eyes this time and pulled an unbelievably sheepish and childish face, one that was so different to Shuiro's usual, yet it seemed to belong there. 

"I can only do it twice, maybe even three times if I'm pushed." There was a pregnant silence before the louder ones of the group were sent into an outrage, Kagami especially. 

   "W-What?! So that speed you used against Seirin in the finals... It was a-"

Shuiro nodded. "Yes. It was purely a bluff. I would've done it twice before retiring, it's a real strain on my body, especially my legs." Momoi gained a motherly expression and she put her hands on her hips. 

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