The Devil Coach Of Teiko

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Do you know how your mind and emotions sometimes work together to play tricks on you? You'll ask for something, unbeknown to you of course, that is dangerous. But you don't find out until too late- because your mind is encouraging you to believe;

It's not going to be that bad! Stop worrying.

And we all know that if your head fails you, you'll begin to follow your emotions and instincts. But this is where the situation gets worrysome. What if your emotions were in their rebellious teen stage, and for once, agreed with your logic. What then? 

By the end of the day, the only thing you can belief is the experience you've just endured, and everything that comes along with it. Take Kagami Taiga for example. After being the only basketball player to beat all the member of the Generation of Miracles, he let his skill get a little to his head, obviously not by much if he continued to ask for training. 

  He believed if he could beat the Generation of Miracles, their coach shouldn't be all that special, "Obviously if I could beat them she didn't train them well enough." (Though he was idiotic enough to become a hypocrit and ask for training) yeah. Kagami didn't think someone could actually have rougher training drills than his own devil coaches. 

Akashi Shuiro put them to shame.

  She had used her mother's house for their training session(s). Did you know that Akashi Scarlet was filthy rich? It made sense, with her over time working hours. She had generously let the boys and her children use their back yard (Or country) and was it rough.

"Taiga-kun, you better get back to your laps!" Shuiro's voice was unusually soft when she trained, but it was dangerously sweet. You couldn't defy it, because something in her sugar voice told you that disobedience would be certain death. 

  Kagami Taiga...He truly deserved the nickname of 'Baka-gami'. He felt like all the juices in his body were on the floor because he was exhausted, with absolutely no energy left in his body. "Could we take a little break!" His sentence froze the entire yard. 

You could hear a pin drop. Shuiro gained this malicious grin on her face as she looked at Kagami like he was a slab of meat. "Good one, Baka-gami!" Aomine roared from the other side of their 'court'. Akashi was working up a sweat himself, all of them were. Kuroko had already passed out (Shuiro sure could worry over him)

 "What the hell did I do wrong?!" Kagami angrily retorted, not happy at being acussed of something he's sure he didn't do wrong.

  Kise started whining loudly and Midorima snickered from his place on the sidelines, holding his jack-in-the-box with an amused smirk on his face. Murasakibara calmly ate his food, glad he disagreed with the training. Kuroko was awake, although he was (For once) pretending to be knocked out. Like hell he was going back in there. 

 Shuiro waltzed up to Kagami and crouched down so she was at eye level. "Taiga-kun, are you perhaps...Tired?"


Shuiro grinned a little more. "Would you say that you've reached your limit." Kagami wheezed a little and gestured to himself and his exhausted condition.

"I thought you would have already figured that out." 

Something about Shuiro's triumphant face set Kagami on ease. "You started training with Sei-kun, Ryo-kun and Daiki-kun at the same time- do you see either one of them on the floor, asking for a break?" Akashi was hydrating himself, and although he was obviously exhausted, he was still standing. Aomine was in a similar state, just not as bad like Kise.

"If you wanted to be trained by me Kagami-kun, you should have been prepared to have been pushed to your limits. I'm here to help you surpass them, and if you're going to stop whenever you think you've met the wall, I will humiliate you like never before."

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