The Road So Far

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It was weird to see something I might have walked by everday and suddenly not remember it. It wasn't like I felt this sour feeling in the back of my throat everytime I saw something- like a fern on the side of the road or see a basketball court and start crying. No, I knew that I was supposed to remember something when Kise and Aomine started whispering loudly between each other, looking at me expectantly.

I felt this ever lasting sorrow whenever they done that. I was disappointing someone, I think I didn't like doing that. It wasn't like I could apologize for it either- they didn't look comfortable with me apologizing to them. They always stared and gawked when I did, and Kagami would make a statement about how I really couldn't remember anything. That hurt more. I would always go to Seijuro for advice on how to deal with things and most of the time he wasn't very helpful. He had a short temper and that put me on edge.

The Seijuro I knew before this one had the patience of a God.

As each day passed, I was met with all different kind of offers from the team they called 'Generation of Miracles'. Seijuro had explained that my mind was like a gun of sorts. Someone needed to trigger me for an impact to happen- they had to trigger me by resurfacing my most prominent memory of them. As fate would have it, memory-me didn't share much things with them so they were basically reliving the years we had spent with each other. I wanted to help but it was out of my hands.

Kise had taken me to a Karaoke bar and sung in front of a pleased audience. He had done so before and I had apparently "praised him endlessly on his angelic voice." Midorima informed me that this wasn't the case- I had walked out mid-song. Aomine tried to trigger my memory by taking me to a basketball game but that didn't help at all. It only made the world slower (Luckily instinct kicked in and I managed to control everything. It was frustrating.)

Midorima had shown me a three-pointer. It was impressive but definitely didn't trigger anything except a round of applause. He blushed. That shocked me, despite not actually knowing if he did it often... Did he? I couldn't remember.

It was frustrating.

I was losing hair.

Well, you can't lose something you had lost while sleeping. I was bald now and paler than ever. A knew look that I suited, according to Momoi. I didn't care much for how I looked but I did wear a wig to stop people from whispering. It stopped me from wanting to punch them in the nose... Most of the time. I had to do an awful amount of schoolwork from my missing year and the year I was currently it.

I had missed my final year of high school. I had cried all night long when I found out, Mum and Seijuro had to sit at my side until I stopped. I didn't want them to touch me, I wasn't allowing more people to touch me. I hated it and no amount of cancer could remove that memory from my mind- the vividness of it all. The lingering heat of his grubby feelings travelling unwanted on my body... Every time I thought of it I started to gag and Seijuro needed hours to keep himself from losing his own temper at seeing me like that. Mum would cry. I hated it.

I tried not to talk or act upon that memory but sometimes someone would sneak up on me and I'd have to cover my mouth to mute my scream. It felt like he was always there and god that terrified me. Mum explained that it was the memory that rose those feelings, he wasn't actually there. He wasn't going to take me again. Seijuro was always with me, equipped with scissors to ease my mind. I love my brother, he's amazing.

As of late, it was Murasakibara's week to remind me. He was a very familiar face, memories surfaced more when it came to the purple haired giant. Him and his little friend, Ai Hikari, were the most successful out of everyone. I had a lot of memories with Mursakibara and he knew me well enough to know which memory I would value the most- so far he had taken me to a shop and bought a basket full of sweets and chips. I paid for him. He gave me an American twinky, just as he did the first time we went to the shops together.

Dying Embers [Kuroko No Basket Fan Fiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora