The Cavalry Has Arrived

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Pete's legs were dangling over the armrest of the sofa. It was comfortably dark in the room even though the sun was high in the sky above the Compound. He had gotten a late start after another sleepless night but it was almost 2 pm and his stomach had started to growl some time ago.

There were still about 7 minutes of break time at Midtown left though and his fingers were hovering over the keyboard of his phone as he was staring at the three dots indicating that Ned was still typing. He stopped wiggling his legs as Ned's message came through.

so, MJ had just sat down & he came up to us

I first thought he was just gonna to like hurl something

at us but he put his tray on the table & sat down in the

chair right next to her

you should've seen her face!!

Pete scrunched up his nose at the thought. It bugged him more than he was willing to admit. Flash at a lunch table with his friends. Worst of all, with him not there. It just wasn't right.

His fingers flew over the keyboard.

that's ridiculous!! Did he just start talking to you??

apparently he heard that I was at the Compound

to visit you


ikr?!? get this: he asked me if I saw Spider-Man

when I went

Ned added a bunch of emojis, the little faces laughing so hard they had tears streaming down like little rivers. Pete, too, felt like crying but not in a good way.

what did you say??

told him that it's all confidential. then his face

went all white & he was like "you saw him,

didn't you? you saw him??"

think he might have a crush on you

he followed me around for the rest of the day

maybe mr. Stark is onto something with those


I mean Flash would prob mob you if you'd

come back

Pete shook his head. Thinking about going back to school was off-limits. Tony made his position clear and it just got Pete cranky and angry to dream of the impossible.

we still on for saturday?

yeah, I asked my mom & she said it looks like

she'll have the car

okay. cool.

dude, gtg

Pete bit his lip. Once again they were being cut off by the start of a new lesson. If Pete would keep messaging, Ned would likely try to respond anyway but he might get caught and it wasn't worth Ned losing his phone for a week. So instead, he said his goodbyes for now and with a long sigh, his hands dropped to his sides onto the sofa. It was only another two days then Ned was going to come and visit. Two days. He could entertain himself for another two days.

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