Looking For Trouble

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 Tony closed his eyes, took a few breaths that were supposed to be deep, filling his lungs, but turned out shallow and fast. A five-minute conversation with the kid and he was exhausted, ready to pass out again. He couldn't though. Pepper was on her way. Slow enough not to run into the kid, hopefully.

"Hi, FRI?" He coughed from the sting in his throat as he had raised his voice. "FRI, wha' I miss?"

"Welcome back, Boss. You've been unconscious for 10 days and 14 hours. I have been keeping a—"

"D'es anyone know? 'Bout Siberia? Wha'... what happ'nd?"

"Sir, the information on your movements as well as the connected vitals, the audio and video data of the 23rd of June have been encrypted and are currently stored on your private server."

He closed his eyes, an effort to center his thoughts, concentrate on what was important. On what he had to take care of.

"N'body... nobody knows then—" The cough that worked its way out of his throat wasn't so much painful as it was strangling. Yep, those had to be some heavy meds. "kn—knows who else w's... was in the... the bunker?"

"Miss Hill and her team brought back Captain Rogers' shield but have so far failed to gather any detailed information on what happened in the bunker."

Tony nodded, focused on his breathing. "Goo' girl, FRI."

It had to stay like that. He couldn't... he wouldn't do this. He couldn't bear to have all of this dragged back up, have everyone psychoanalyze him. It was in the past. He couldn't change what happened. Nobody could. There was no point in dwelling on the details... the details of Steve Rogers' fucking betrayal. The humiliation and pain... All the times Rogers had looked at him and unblushingly lied to his fucking—

The door opened softly, slow enough to give Tony a few seconds to get his spiraling thoughts in order. Pepper wasn't alone this time.

"Agent Hill," he whispered, trying to keep as much strength in his voice as he could muster.

"Mr. Stark."

"Hey..." Pepper's hand found his, warm fingers snaked around him and held it tight.

Agent Maria Hill had her arms crossed as she stood tall behind Pepper. "How are you feeling, Tony."

"People... keep asking me that. 'm startin' te think... 'm havin' a bad... bad hair day or somethin'..."

She cocked her head to the side and he avoided her glance. Yeah, he was overcompensation his physical state with his brilliant wit, what of it? Pepper had his eyes on him as well, eyebrows knitted together in worry and silent disapproval. They all acted like him getting hurt was the end of the world. Like they hadn't been here, multiple times. His eyes were heavy and he let them fall shut without hesitation. At least that way he didn't have to see the look at either of their faces.

"Tony, Maria has some questions, if you feel up for it."

He huffed. Of course, Agent Hill had questions. Maria, Pepper, Peter, everyone was just full of questions. He blinked a couple of times before he gave in to the exhaustion and let his eyes stay closed. His vision was starting to darken at the edges. He'd pass out soon. All this was too much. That was probably for the better. It would give him time to think of something. There was no way that the whole "because I said so" routine he had pulled on the kid would work on either of these women.

But there was something he wanted. Yes, he had sent Pepper on an errand on purpose but it wasn't a request he had just made up. He hadn't even had to think about it, just wanted it as soon as he could think of anything that wasn't Siberia and the state of his chest.

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