A New Way Home

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        The beginning of summer was just like any other. Expectations are high and the reality is a disappointment. Bucket lists were made, but nothing was crossed off. Haircut appointments were cancelled. Wallets were empty. Georgia Grant had other plans.

        "GRANT.. snap out of it. You're here, not off in lala land. Now get to your group and work on second stunt like everyone else." 

        Eyes going wide, Georgia rushed over to her stunt group as everyone watched. 

        "Shit." she muttered under her breath.

        Reaching her group, Georgia heard small laughs fill the silence around her. 

        "Alright, work on timing for the ripple. It's sloppy. Really sloppy. How do you expect us to win when can't even get through a single eight count without fucking it up? Huh?" The laughs stopped as Coach Stacy boomed, "That's what I thought. Get to it." 

        "Nice goin George." Ryan giggled, "I'd say that's the...what, ninth day this week that's happened?"

        "Whatever,  at least I can get through practice without leaving to make out with random guys." Georgia snapped back.

        Putting on a fake hurt expression, Ryan gasped, "I just know you aren't slut shaming me right now."

        "Really? I wouldn't be too sure of that." she said, earning a few giggles from the rest of their stunt group.

        "Shut up, let's just work on the damn stunt."


        Closing the car door, Georgia let out a breath she'd been holding in all practice. Cheer was fun, but you have to be the best to succeed. Not that she was necessarily bad at any aspect of cheer, but she would never be the best. As she started the car and the air conditioning blew in her face, most of her worries began to fade. 

        God, I need a shower.

        Driving home was the same as it always was. The same music on the radio, the same old houses passing, the same five people playing in the park. Sometimes, on bad days, Georgia took another way home. Change sucks, but on these days, it was therapeutic. Today was a bad day, but she couldn't risk being home late again. It was family game night...again. 

        After she showered and changed into a new t-shirt and pair of shorts, Georgia headed downstairs.

        "I'll race you," a voice caught her attention, "whoever wins gets the five dollars I found under your bed."

        "God, John, you went under my bed again? Can't I have any privacy?" she yelled at her brother.

        "What, are you hiding something under there? Now I really want to look again. But for now, race me down the stairs." he said, flying down the staircase. 

        "Wh- " she started, then figured that she could use the five dollars at smoothie king on Friday (five dollar Fridays, of course) and darted down after John.

        "Get back here you little- ugh, fine, you win" she said, defeated. 

        "Nice one, John, you win again. Probably because you're so smart and handsome and clever and-" he began, but Georgia cut him off.

        "Alright we get it, just go find a game for us to play. And NOT monopoly. I don't have it in me to stay up that late."

        Out of breath, she walked into the kitchen to find her parents in a hushed conversation. As soon as they saw her, they stopped and gave a very obviously fake smile to hide...whatever they were hiding. 

        "Jeez, what are you planning, a heist?" Georgia laughed.

        "Uh, well..." her mother trailed off.

        "Alice, just tell her. It's not worth hiding." Georgia's father quickly replied to her mother's unsureness.

        "Wh- tell me what? Why are you acting like this?"

        "George, I-" her mother paused and took a deep breath in and out, "Not that it will be much of a big deal, but.."

        "But...what? Jesus Christ just finish your sentences." Georgia became impatient and slightly worried.

        "We're getting new neighbors," her father began, "remember that kid you used to have over all the time. It was a while ago I don't know if you'd remember."

        Oh, she remembered.


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