Central Park

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surprise, early(ish) update! 

so..shit could very possibly go down in this chapter

but, with that does come some possibly triggering subjects. I never want to make any of you upset by something written in this book and I never never want to make you think of traumatic experiences that you've learned to move past. 

so from this point on, be prepared for body image issues, eating disorders, and slight violence. I just want you all to be aware of these things before you read further.

I, personally, struggled with eating disorders and my sole purpose of including that in the book is to really spread awareness of how awful it can be. I wanted to bring light to the victim's perspective rather than just an outside view of how that can look. keep in mind that not everyone's experience is the same and the character struggling is based off of my experience and knowledge.

please PLEASE dm me on here or tiktok if you ever find yourself stuck in a bad situation and I will try my best to help. I love you guys to the moon and back (love you to the moon and to saturn-for my swiftie baes)

song for this chapter:

seven (ts)

and i've been meaning to tell you 

i think your house is haunted

your dad is always mad and that must be why

and i think you should come live with me

and we can be pirates

then you wont have to cry


G:  not tonight I have another date

V: jesus christ a second date? you guys are getting serious

G: shut up, we can do something before

V: i'll be over in an hour

G: gimme 2 hours, I'm at cheer right now

V: fine

Georgia tossed her phone toward her bag and went to join the rest of the team. The biggest competition of the season was coming up, meaning there was cheer practice every day up until then.

"Okay, let's just run the routine full out," Coach Stacy yelled across the gym.

Everyone sighed and went to their starting spots. Georgia's mind raced- she hadn't been throwing her tumbling pass lately and it wouldn't go over well if she decided against it again.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she made her way through the first part of the routine. She hit all her stunts, giving her more faith in her tumbling. 

But when the time came, she couldn't. She made eye contact with Ryan across the mat, receiving a sympathetic look. Georgia knew what was coming, it happened every time.

"Alright, if you didn't throw your tumbling pass, line up."

This time, it was just her. Standing alone.


A few of the girls laughed at Coach Stacy's comment. Georgia was used to it. Her only real friend at cheer was Ryan. It hurt, but she knew how to handle it. For the most part.

"Okay, let's see it. Girls if you notice anything wrong with her pass, don't hesitate to say something."

Georgia took a deep breath before walking to the back of the mat. Now that everyone was watching her, there was no way she could actually do it. And she didn't. The first time, the second time, or the third time that she tried. 

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