Her Invitation

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HELLOOOO once again babes

I'm trying my best to get updates out every day, but as you can see, i've obviously failed somewhere in that process because here i am posting every like 4 days on average

i realize how frustrating that can be for y'all so I'm gonna try to step it up here, but my adhd said no ;)

anyway, I've got a few trips coming up and I want to relax on those so I think I am going to write like a maniac so I have like multiple drafts ready to post and then I can just post them while I'm on vacation

also i'm done with trying to do indentations :) say goodbye to the literary correct version of me, because its exhausting to type eight spaces before each paragraph

SO without any further interruptions, here's chapter 9

song for this chapter:

I almost do (ts)


"So let me get this straight...you found burned up pictures of the two of you?"


"And the only person who would have had those pictures in the first place is...?"


"And what did he say to explain himself?"

"He didn't."


"I wouldn't let him."

Georgia and Ryan sat on the floor of the Grants' living room, talking about everything that had just happened. Georgia could tell it was going to be quite a long conversation considering it was a pretty eventful night. She felt like she had progressed so much in her relationship with Vinnie. But, it was too good to be true. Almost immediately, it all came crashing down again in a cloud of hurt and betrayal. 

The car ride back was excruciating. Once again, silent tears flooded down Georgia's face while she kept her eyes focused on a random point in the road. It would have been better if she had just fought it out with Vinnie then and there, but she didn't know what to say.

How could he hate me so much that he burned all those pictures of us? What kind of sick person does that?

Vinnie kept looking over at her the entire way home, but he didn't say anything. Georgia could tell how much he wanted to explain everything to her, but she didn't have the energy to listen to him.

"That's the problem, Georgia, you don't necessarily know what he meant by it if you won't listen to him," Ryan pleaded, "I mean, yeah, it's an...interesting choice. But, he was probably just acting out of anger."

"Listen, it freaked me out, for one thing. And for another, I just couldn't bring myself to listen to his sob story about BURNING pictures of us when I thought we were starting to be okay again."

"Fair enough," she said, "you never really explained how the hell you guys just suddenly became besties again?"

Georgia took a minute before responding. To be completely honest, she wasn't quite sure how that happened either. One minute they hated each other and the next they're having movie nights at each other's houses.

"I guess it's just easy to fall back to right where we left things. It's really confusing, honestly, it's like I know him, but I don't. He's like a person on the street that you think you recognize but you don't really know. But...I do know him?" Georgia explained.

"In what way?"

"In what way...what?"

"In what way do you know him? You said you know him but you don't but you do."

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