The Dinner Party

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yay another chapter! this one is GOOD so pay attention. 

sorry this one's a day late, I took yesterday to myself and starting writing this chapter this morning. 

I had to read it multiple times because i loved it so much.

okay okay I'll let you get to reading


        Tears stung her eyes as she unconsciously walked back inside. As much as she hated Vinnie, seeing him look at her like that killed her. There was obviously a line between them and Georgia didn't just cross it, she ran a mile past it.

        She didn't want anyone knowing that she was crying, so she snuck past her parents and John to get to her room. The rest of the night was spent wide awake. Almost nothing could distract her from the pit in her stomach.  


         "5, 6 ,7, 8..."

         God damn this gym is hot. Running around like a lunatic is definitely not helping.

        Sweat dripped down Georgia's back. It was the day before competition and Coach Stacy was not taking it easy on the team. It's always been a tradition to do extreme conditioning before a competition. The plus side to doing 2000 crunches within an hour was that it was a distraction. 

        Georgia told Ryan everything that happened the night before with Vinnie. They decided to carpool to cheer practice this morning to grab coffee on the way. 


        "I don't know, Ry, he only got mad because I lashed out first. Damn, if I would've just kept my mouth shut maybe things would be fine." she explained.

        "Please, things would be worse had you kept your mouth shut." Ryan said, "Remember how you were so mad at him before? Where did all that anger go?"

         "I am still upset, but in a different way. God, you should've seen the way he looked at me."

         "I hate this."

         "Hate what?"

         "This. Seeing you all worked up over a damn boy."

         "I am not worked up, I'm just..." Georgia trailed off.

        "Yeah." Ryan sighed.


        Practice was almost over when Mr. Wagner, the boys basketball coach stormed in, "STACY." he yelled across the gym. Everyone's attention was turned to him, which pissed off Coach Stacy.

        "Can I help you with something, Braden?" she called back.

        The team could see the two of them begin a hushed conversation by the doorway. It took a good ten minutes before she came walking back over to the cheer mats.

        "Alright listen up, everyone. Practice is cut short today so the basketball players can do a few push ups. Apparently they reserved the gym for today." she said, rolling her eyes, "So...pack up, for today. I'll see you all here at 4:30am tomorrow." she said as everyone groaned.

        Yeah 4:30 is too early. By a lot.

         As Coach Stacy finished her little speech, the loud voices of the boys basketball team approached the gym until a very large group of them appeared at the doorway. The one guy leading the team stopped at the door and the entire cheerleading team looked their way.

still (v.h.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora