The Weekend

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no long intro this time, I promise

song this week (EEEEE)

enchanted (ts)


Georgia sat in her bedroom, debating on whether she should just call Vinnie or not. She was tired of playing the back and forth game. Before she knew it, she heard his voice from her phone.

"Hey, Georgia."

She panicked, not realizing that she actually called him.

"Uh, hi."

"What's wrong?"

"Um...I don't- nothing's wrong, I just wanted to call and see if you wanted to come over later tonight instead? You don't have to, but I just feel like talking today."

God, as soon as I hear his voice, it's like I forget everything he's done to hurt me.

"Yeah, tonight's fine, what time should I come over?"

"Is like 10 too late? I've sorta got a date tonight and I don't know how long it's going to take."

Vinnie was hesitant to answer, making Georgia think she made it awkward with the whole date thing.

"Ok, I'll be there at 10."

"Oh, actually, can you meet me at waffle house? Just the one by the gas station?"

"You want waffles at 10 pm?"

"Shut up, it's comforting."

"Alright, have it your way," Vinnie laughed, "waffle house at 10."

"Thank you."

Georgia hung up and flopped down on her bed, suddenly remembering she only had an hour until Andy would show up.

Can't I just...not go? 

A wave of anxiety rushed over her as she got ready to leave. Since they were just going to mini golf, she put on a pair of jeans and her metallica shirt. Meticulously curling her hair and doing her makeup. She stood, staring at all her shoes, taking too long to decide which ones to wear.

Realizing it was already 8:10, she checked her phone to see if Andy had texted her yet. Sure enough:

A: I'm here to pick you up

That was from 15 minutes ago.

Shit. Shit shit shit he's been here for 15 minutes?

She impulsively decided on converse and ran out the door to see his car in the driveway. Andy's parents were rich so Georgia really shouldn't have been so surprised to see him driving a Porsche. But she was.

She got in the car and profusely apologized for making him wait so long. 

"Don't worry about it, I'll always wait for you," he said, causing an awkward silence to fill the air.

That was an...interesting thing to say.

"Um," Georgia said, "so where are we going again?" knowing perfectly well where they were going.

"Mini golf, I thought it'd be fun."

"Yeah, no, I love mini golf, I just suck at it."

"It's fine, I can help you," he said. Familiar butterflies came back to her stomach as she blushed. Andy pulled out of the driveway as Georgia began to think again.

The last time she felt nervous around a boy was with Vinnie. And Andy wasn't the same as him. Nobody would ever be the same as him.

When they got there, Andy walked around the car to open the door for her. He was acting awfully polite for some of the things he said to her at the party. When Andy was apologizing for his actions a few nights ago, Georgia had a hard time believing that he was truly sorry. The thing he said about the alcohol wasn't really what bothered her. It was the sexual comment he made on her outfit. 

still (v.h.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat