Horror Gaming

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"I look so weird today..." I thought to myself, running my fingers through my short, messy hair a few times. The day was Sunday, which meant I was filming a video as I always did on Sunday's and Thursday's. And filming made me more insecure than usual. I sighed quietly and sat down in my office chair, mentally preparing myself and making myself be louder before turning on my camera.

"What's up my ninjas, my name is Zoey, and today I'm playing," I paused for a mock-dramatic effect. "Five Nights At Freddy's 3! So yeah, I really didn't want to play more Five Mights At Freddy's, but you guys really wanted to see me nearly piss myself, so here we go!"

I fixed the camera focus quickly, and started up the game. It wasn't long until I was already a bit confused. "Wow, this game has loads more layers than the last two. Literally. Wait, so playing this noise in a different room makes the animatronic go to that room? Ah, apparently." I spoke to the camera, my eyes glued to the screen, to be sure the animatronic wasn't near me.

After a couple minutes, I was in the middle of night two. "Shit shit shit, it's on this camera looking at me!" I shouted. I put the surveillance thing-a-ma-jig down to be scared shitless by the animatronic. "Holy flying fudge!" I screamed in a recoil.

"Wait, I'm still alive!" My heart was racing even though it was only a stupid game. The in-game clock changed to 6 AM, starting the third night. "Damn it you guys, this game is terrifying! Why'd you meanies ask me to play this?" I put on a fake pouty face. "Alright, well that's enough horror gaming for today I think, if you like it I'll play more. Thank you for watching, see you all next time!"

I turned off my camera and sat back in my office chair lazily. I pressed a single finger to the bridge of my nose lightly, trying to calm myself down. "Zoey, why do you have to be such a scardy cat?" I mumbled to myself.

Exiting the Five Nights At Freddy's game, I opened YouTube almost immiediatly, putting off the video editing I needed to be doing. I idly went to my channel page and glanced at the amount of subscribers I had. Just four subs away from one million subscribers. I put a hand over my mouth in shock.

"Oh my gosh..." I said and turned my camera back on. "Guys, oh my gosh I'm four subs away from a million! Look!" I picked up the camera and pointed it at my computer. "Thank you all so much for this, I am going crazy right now! I'm completely shocked, oh my gosh!" I squealed in delight.

"You guys are the best subscribers in the world, thank you soooo much! I am so proud of you, thank you thank you thank you!"

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