Alarm From 83

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Seperate Ways by Journey woke me up from a happy sleep at 9:00 AM, playing from my phone. I kept my eyes closed as I flailed around randomly, trying to turn the song alarm off.

It had been a few days since I'd met up with Sean and filmed the video on his channel, and we had only been texting a small bit since then. He claimed that almost all of his fans really liked the collab, but I hadn't gotten the chance to go through any comments to see if that was true or not.

I sighed quietly before sitting up on my bed sleepily, knowing my hair was a mess before even going to the mirror. While mentally thanking God that I didn't have a job to go to that day, I got ready for what I was planning on being a lazy day.

My job was part time and I only got called in for a shift every two or three days. Since I made a small amount of money off of YouTube, and I only had myself to take care of, I made enough money to live happily off of.

After putting on some comfortably oversized sweats and warm socks, I sat down in front of my computer with a bowl of cereal. I opened YouTube and searched for Sean's channel until I found our collab video.

"Oh gosh...I should have put a hat on for the vide, my hair looks like a rat's nest...Ugh, my voice sounds so weird, why does it sound like I'm a five year old?" I thought to myself as I watched the video.

I scrolled down through the comments and at first saw some like "Who's the bitch? Her voice is so annoying, please tell me she won't be in any more videos.", but after thone little rays of sunshine, I found mostly positive comments like "I love Zoey, it's so cool that you two did a video together! This is so awesome!"

Those comments made me smile widely, but also stained my cheeks a light red. I didn't like attention on me, I only made my gaming channel for a couple friends. Don't get me wrong, my fans are the best people in the world.

My phone buzzed and I looked away from my screen to pick it up. I'd gotten a text from Sean that read: "Hey Zoey, d'you want to hang out sometime soon? We can go get some pizza or something, whatever. :)"

The fangirl inside of me went coconuts. Sean had pretty much been my idol since I discovered his channel, and he liked me enough to hang out more than once. More than I can say for most people I've met.

"Sure! :D I'm free tomorrow for sure, today I have some video editing to do. Wanna meet up by Steak And Shake again since we both know where it is, then go somewhere else for food?" My fingers flew across the phone screen as I texted my reply.

I put my phone back on my desk and tried unsuccessfully to wipe the idiotic grin off my face. Nope, that wasn't going to work. I happily sat back in my desks hair and started the editijg I was long overue for.

The day seemed to fly past, as it usually did when I was sitting at my desk on the computer. Before I'd even gotten out of my chair for the first time, it was already 3:00 PM. "Dammit, I'm too lazy for my own good." I muttered to myself, finally getting something to eat.

Author's note: Sorry this chapter, and most of my other chapters, are EXETREMELY BORING, but this is only the beginning! I don't want to make it go too fast, but build things up a bit slower. I know it's bad though. :P Somewhat soon it'll get more interesting, promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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