Popsicle Boss

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~Sean's p.o.v~

Zoey and I had really hit it off. I could tell she was naturally a bit shy, but after a while of hanging out, I saw her real personality. A personality and voice almost as loud as mine, which was pure BOSS!

Our Steak And Shake meet up seemed like it had only gone on for half-an-hour or so, but when I checked my phone, I realized we'd been talking for over three hours.

"Holy shite, I didn't even realize the time. I'm such a doofus when it comes to keeping track of that stuff." I laughed, forgetting to keep my voice down. Whatever, the entire UK was probably used to my yelling.

Zoey laughed a bit too, pulling out her phone to look. "Oh yeah, hah!" Her dimples showed up on each of her cheeks as she laughed. "The people here probably hate us, and think we're the most annoying people ever. Which I can't argue with." Zoey added, still grinning like crazy.

~Zoey's p.o.v~

As we made fun of ourselves for not really having any sense of responsibility, I couldn't help but look as Sean's adorable grin. I hadn't fallen for him or anything, since I'd only just met him and I very rarely had a crush on someone I hadn't met, but I couldn't deny that I thought he was kinda cute.

Gah, I'm too girly sometimes I swear...

"Well, I have to get home and film a video." Sean informed after finishing his re-filled soda. "I'm torn between trying out a few different games, everyone wants to see me play something different. But yeah, it's getting late now."

I glanced down at my fingers, which I was picking the nail off of. Hearing that Sean was leaving got me a little dissapointed, even though we had spent basically the entire evening talking and laughing at the Steak And Shake.

But, I picked my head up and saluted him mockingly, trying to stay positive. "Alright then, see ya Sean." I smiled as I said my good bye. Sean smirked and raised an eyebrow at me. "What're you going on about? Aren't you gonna help me make the video?"

My eyes lit up and I nearly tore my entire finger nail off accedentally in my excitement. "Right now? That sounds epic!" I rambled like an idiot, gaining a chuckle from Sean. "Okay then Zoey. So d'you just want to follow me to my place then?"

~Time skip~

I got in my car and Sean got in his, before leading me to his apartment. "Please don't expect much. I'm not a slob, and try to keep it nice, but you'll probably find the stray soda can." Sean said as we went up a few flights of stairs to his apartment.

"Nah it's fine. I'm sure you can't make half the mess my older brother used to when I still lived with my parents. Pizza crusts everywhere, and half empty chip bags in underwear drawers." I joked, but not really since it was absolutely true.

Sean laughed, unlocking the door to his apartment. "That's awful!" He laughed. "Anyway, welcome to my gaming cave!" We walked into his place, and it wasn't half bad. It was nicer than my place anyway, not crammed with FunKo POP figures and other knick-knacks.

After walking inside, Sean shoved his hat onto his head once again. "I dunno what you made a fuss about, it's fine." I commented, following Sean to his filming room. "Aww thanks. Anyway, I have to get a couple things ready for filming, just gimme a sec." He replied.

By that, he meant: hanging a new, red bedsheet behind his chair for a backdrop, fiddling with his camera to make sure it was in focus and such, and finally, sitting down to choose a game to play in the video.

I pulled up an extra office chair to the somewhat large desk and set down my laptop that I'd bought just days before. Putting my navy blue headphones on, I turned to Sean. "Well, you're running this popsicle stand. What game are we playing?"

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