Steak And Shake!

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Jack Septic Eye: Yeah, I do mean it, a collab would be so cool! We should meet up sometime, get to know eachother a bit before we make a video.

I rubbed my eyes a couple times to make sure I wasn't in a dream, sitting at my computer at 11 AM with a coffee and some milk chocolate. Just knowing that Jack Septic Eye watched my videos was amazing enough, but then he wanted to meet up and collab? What did I ever do to deserve something so awesome?

My slim fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, making loads of mistakes as I typed my reply, then I quickly skimmed it for a spellcheck. "Alrighty then..." I bit by bottom lip lightly, tapping the send button. Oh Lord (of the rings), If I screw this up...

~Jack/Sean's p.o.v~

A notification dinged from my phone, which was in my back jean pocket. I was about to start filming a Happy Wheels video, but figured I'd stop and look at what the notification was. It was a message from that girl Zoey who I wanted desperately to collaborate with. Don't think I'm creepy, ok?

Moments after reading it, I put my phone back in my pocket without replying and got in my car. The message you ask?

ZoZo Games: Omg that sounds so cool! As it turns out I live kinda close to you, like 15 minutes away according to my phone. You ever been to that Steak And Shake inbetween the Freddy's and the Carl's Jr? We can meet up there if you want, and if you don't know the place I'll send you the address. I'm free at 5 PM today if you are.

Yeah, pretty f*cking awesome if you ask me. My old phone apparently had a freak-out moment and sent me the notification message an hour after Zoey had sent it, so it was already 4:40. And I sure as hell didn't want to be late.

Call me and judge me how you will, but I'd been an avid viewer of most of Zoey's videos for months, as she started making videos in August 2014 and it was March 2015. I may have sped a little, trying to make it to the Steak And Shake on time. (I'm a gentleman, I know.)

I parked my car in the nearly empty shared parking lot between the few local fast food places. I put my hat on, just so I was a bit more recognizable to Zoey. After walking inside the Steak And Shake, I had to look for a moment, but finally my eyes fell on a pale girl with short brown hair, and tomboyish clothes, complete with her signature blue/gray scarf.

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