For The Record

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My phone in my hands and hair severely screwed up, I sat in the Steak And Shake, waiting for Jack. Or Sean? I looked up from my iPhone to see if he was there and didn't see him at first, but after about 10 seconds I noticed the trademark hat and gray hoodie. He saw me too, and started walking over to my table.

I gulped and nearly passed out. I was meeting a pretty big YouTuber, one that had been my idol since the not-so-long-ago beginning of his channel. "Hey, Zoey! It's so cool to meet you!" Jack said, true excitement shining through his accent. I smiled at his bubbly personality.

"You have no idea. Not to sound creepy, but I have been a fan for a long time, and it's so amazing to meet you Jack." I grinned, my childish side showing, probably making me look ridiculous.

Jack laughed a bit. "You can call me Sean." He sat down at the table on the opposite side. "Mkay then. I haven't ordered anything yet, it's busy today." I informed him. He nodded once and fixed his hoodie.

"So...You kind of keep yourself a secret on your channel, tell me about yourself." Sean said, bubbly and happy as usual. I looked at the ceiling for a second before replying. "Okay, um...My mom is Scottish and my dad's American. I was born in America, and my parents moved here when I was seven."

I started, pausing once in a while to think of something interesting. "I have absolutely no life and I'm usually really shy, actually. It's hard to be a YouTuber when you're such an introvert. Um, let's see...I never really thought of myself as a geek or a nerd, but everyone says I am one." I laughed softly.

Sean and I talked for a few more minutes before the waiter came over and we got drinks, and ordered some food. We were each starving half to death, so we ordered a ton of food. Our conversation went on a while until our food finally arrived.

I ate a few fries happily, as Sean said "I thought you were cool before, but now that I've met you in person I know I really want to do a collab with you." I nearly choked on my food in excitement.

"Wow, cool! I know you think you're such a small YouTuber, but to me you're huge, so I am in shock right now." I said all too quickly, my words getting slightly jumbled. Sean grinned. "I can really hear your Scottish accent when you're excited." He laughed a little.

I lowered my top eyelids and threw a french fry at him. "Shut up, I have no Scottish accent." I retorted, denying the accent I hated and tried to cover up. I thought it made me sound unintelligent and silly.

Sean threw one of his french fries back at me in retaliation. "For the record, your accent is cute, okay?" He smiled as my cheeks surely turned a crimson red. "What? Shut it Sean." I looked away.

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