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𝕾leep had not shown that night and her dreams had turned into insomnia. She rose on her elbows and shifted her gaze to the doorknob. The knob was cursed, if she touched it she was left with a burned palm. She had calculated every escape attempt, of any kind, until her brain drained of ideas. No one could go out or enter, the walls were chained with very complex protection spells. She couldnt climb down from the window, her room was located on the top floor of the manor. The paintings hanging on the walls kept her under close observation, everything she did or planned to do was learned by Lucius Malfoy: the man who kept her locked within those four walls.

She sat up and brought her knees to her chest. Her head was lowered, lids half closed and ears listening to the rustle of her breath as it stopped on the fabric of her robe. Her head ached, too many thoughts wandered through her mind like thousands of butterflies enclosed in a cage. She begged herself to stop picking up all the stress she kept trapped between the bones of her rib cage, she was so full she feared it would explode at any moment. She brought her hands to her head, her fingers tightening their grip on her hair. They trembled constantly, the spasms didnt seem to want to stop braking. She let out a sob and closed her eyelids to keep the tears from running down her cheeks. Her throat was dry and the air seeped sharply through his nostrils. It was like being in the middle of the Sahara, where the hottest season beat on your head as scorching as firewood.

"Stop crying, do something. Think- Think!" she whispered growling between her teeth.

She raised her head and turned her attention to the window panes. The cold air filtered greedily through the opening of the half-closed door, some snowflakes fell on the windowsill and melted in contact with the marble; the trees were covered with a layer of soft snow and the faint reflection of the moon illuminated her face. She had never tasted the sensation of walking on snow. She sighed deeply and got out of bed, being careful not to wake the paintings who were sleeping blissfully. She tore off the curtains holding up the four-poster bed posts and twisted them into a long rope. She tossed it out the window and tied the end of the fabric against the railing. She wasn't sure what she was going to do: if that kind of rope broke, she could die by crashing into the cold marble tiles. She took a deep breath and put one foot over the overhanging wall that supported the small balcony.

"Take heart. You don't have to be afraid otherwise you'll never become a Gryffindor!" she repeated to herself as she gripped the rope with both hands. She slid down, her palms rubbing against the fabric, she could feel them burning and tempting her to let go. She narrowed her eyes and tried to distract her mind by counting the beats of his heart.

1.. 2.. 3..

She couldn't give up. Only a few floors were missing and she would finally be free. Her palms felt slightly moist, the drops of blood sliding down her arm. A muffled gasp came from his lips, her skin writhing in pain like small imaginary flames from an immense amount of petroil. Each drop made them flare up more and more.

"I- I don't have to give up," she moaned through gritted teeth. But her body betrayed her by letting the palms of her hands snap open and let go of their fiery grip. She held back a sigh and curled up as she let himself fall into the void. The air lashed her hair, the ground was fast approaching.

"Arresto Momentum!"

She opened her eyes, her body was suspended in the air, a few centimeters off the ground. It then fell to the soft surface of the snow. She touched it with her hands, it was cold and burned in contact with the open wounds. She had always wondered what it tasted like, it was white as milk and from the shape it gave it the air of being a soft cotton candy. She carried a small pile on the tip of her tongue, but was disappointed as soon as she tasted the rancid taste of the ice water. She did a grimace.

"You!" whispered a voice behind her.

She looked up abruptly and a tiny figure approached her, she flinched in fear. Her shoulders were stiff and trembling slightly. Had someone discovered she?

She blinked to get her vision used to the darkness. The dim light of the moon wasnt strong enough to allow her to see the silhouette's face."Mrs. Malfoy I..." she stammered then crawling her butt back to get away. A chill of cold ran down her spine as she felt the snow, accumulated behind her, get wet in contact with her warm skin.

The young woman stopped to look at her. The child's cheeks smeared her pale face in an almost noticeable scarlet color. Snow flakes were deposited on her lashes and her jaw was still shaking. Her hands rested on the wet, cold marble and the muscles of her legs were contracted. She took two more steps forward. This time more slowly.

"Take it. You'll find some food supplies and a blanket. Here's your wand and your spellbook in case you need it." She whispered inviting her to grab the backpack. The little girl fearfully stretched her arm in her direction and took it, carrying it behind her. The woman took a few steps forward, being careful not to cause further fear and put a jacket on her shoulders. It was heavy and very bright red. She lifted her chin to chain her cold gaze with hers. Her eyes flickered with reluctance.

"Don't think I did it to give you a hand, you're just an obstacle here. Go, run, lead your life. You're free now" whispered the woman turning around. "I'll pretend I haven't seen you. Go now." she added then, before closing the back door behind her. Her eyes followed the young woman's figure until they no longer saw her. It was too dark and the shadow had swallowed she. She shrugged and after taking a deep breath, shr caught up again through the gate.

She crossed the forest and ran to get away once and for all from that cursed manor. In the distance, there was the muffled sound of some kind of alarm. The pace of her run didn't give up as she pushed forward, drawing on all the strength she had left. She continued until she felt her breath catch in her throat. She slowed her pace and dropped her entire weight to the ground. She was too tired to take another step.
She tilted her head up and took a deep breath of the cold air that seeped eagerly through her nostrils.

"Little girl? You shouldn't be wandering in the woods at this time of night." A voice rang out behind her. She gasped and whirled around taking out the wand he had in his backpack. Ahead of her was a man riding a strange creature with snow-white fur. According to what she had read in the book of magical creatures it must have been a hippogriff, a winged creature born from the crossing of a horse and a griffin. She swallowed the big lump in her throat with difficulty and looked around, terrified. She remained silent, her throat was tight and she couldnt speak. The man frowned and stepped off the winged creature to approach her.

"Bella!" Lucius's voice calling her in the distance sent a thousand chills down her spine. She had to get out of there immediately. She struggled to her feet with her legs trembling with exertion and her lungs on fire.

"Go up," the mysterious man intervened.


"Go up!"


And here we are with the first chapter.

They'll be quite short at first as they're just a small introduction. The story will be full of complicated intertwining, only after you'll understand why. I remind you that this is a story that tells my experiences in the DR, the timing of the original Hp book doesnt coincide with this ff. If you want to support the story, it would be of great help to vote and comment. I want as many wizards and witches as possible ;)

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TikTok: @distruggerti

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