- 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 -

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𝕾omeone was knocking on her door.

She got up on her elbows and looked around in hopes of finding a thin band of light that would help her see better. But the room was engulfed by darkness, from the windows you could hear only the crawling of sea creatures that swam silently at the bottom of the Black Lake.
She glanced at the doorknob and paused as she waited for it to turn. She rested her weight on her palms and pulled her feet out of the covers, placing them gently on the cold floor. She leaned forward to take the wand on the bedside table and walked to the door one step at a time. As soon as it was opened, Lucius Malfoy entered, his eyes fixed on her like two silver bullets stuck in the flesh.

Her legs went limp like jelly. She flattened herself against the surface of the wall to keep her balance and swallowed the bile that slid like a slimy snake down her throat. Her heart pounded hard in her chest and her throat choked from the dry air that left her lungs. She took a slow breath, making sure her drawers wouldn't give way or her memories resurfaced, and lifted her chin to face the man's evil gaze. A smirk appeared on his lips. "Did you miss me?"

"At all". The words came out with difficulty as if the air had torn the walls of her throat. She squeezed the wand she had in her fingers and took a few steps back until she touched the bed that lay in the center of the room. "How did you get in?" she asked almost growling.

"Did you really think that coming back here I wouldn't come to pick you up?"

She did not know how to answer him. A lump in her throat prevented the words from coming out of her mouth making them wither before they even came out.She fell dead weight on the mattress and let the elves carry away her things. She should have expected it. She knew that Lucius Malfoy would never leave things unfinished.

"Why then did he bring me back here-" she murmured softly to herself. Lucius's gaze fell back on her again. He seemed intent on saying something to her but remained silent waiting for the elves to finish their work. As soon as the little servants they gestured to him, the man turned towards Marie's direction and, without deigning a glance, held out his arm to her. She lifted her head from his knees and stared at the arm still hanging under her eyes. No, not again.

"Come on, Bella. Let's go home."

• -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- •

"If the miss needs something, Silvy will come!" cried a little voice behind her, a small figure as tall as the copper doorknob, towering in front of the door. Marie nodded listlessly without taking her eyes off the surrounding room. Almost nothing had changed since that night. The blankets remained the same but smelled of laundry, her dolls lay where she'd left them, the window frame material had been replaced with copper, and the four-poster bed no longer had curtains."Thank you, Silvy. You can go out." she dismissed her with a sigh. "Silvy advises the miss not to run away or use magic here. It's dangerous!" added the little elf before disappearing with a quick leap. Marie's eyes couldn't get away from where the elf had just dematerialized and she let herself fall from the weight of his legs. Breathe, Marie. Breathe.

She closed her eyelids and began counting her heartbeats until the rays of light stopped her. She slowly rose from the ground and took a few steps to approach the windows and observe how the dawn of the sun climbed to the top of the peaks.

"Bella." It was Lucius' call that brought her back to reality. The tower of drawers threatened to give way again, her emotions to drain. She turned in his direction, letting her vacant eyes mingle with Lucius's cold gray ones. His face had remained the same. No wrinkles to divide his face."I only came here to tell you to drink the vial before you eat," he said softly, clearing his throat. She nodded slowly and leaned forward to take the vial from the palm of his hand.
"More to say?" She couldn't ignore the worry line that ran down his face, she tried to decipher his gaze but his eyes were like blocks of ice as cold and expressionless as they were.
"Just this." he concluded hastily before turning and dismissing her. Her eyes remained glued to the door until the sound of his footsteps died down to a faint, almost imperceptible sound.She pulled off her purple coat and slid it to the floor. Her mind was still wandering through the memories of a few minutes ago, when Lucius had told her that that was the only reason why he had come to disturb her. But his eyes lied. His irises quivered with the temptation to tell her more. But this didn't happen. It never happened.


I can't shift anymore and I'm losing motivation!! I'm afraid the second of this story will take longer than it should. I haven't shifted since the beginning of January 2021.
I hope to find other methods that can help me get back into my DR because the continuation of the story is a fundamental part of DAMNED. In fact, I haven't made CURSED public yet (which is the second of DAMNED) because due to this little problem the chapters are still pending. (if I can't solve it, I'll try to invent the continuation of the story).

If you have any useful advice, write it to me in the comments.(not raven method because it never worked for me).

IG: @distrugggerti
TikTok: @distruggerti

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