- 𝐒𝐢𝐱 -

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𝕾he woke up suddenly - her mind couldn't bring to light the memories of a few hours ago. She got up from the floor and looked around again. Daylight filtered through the large windows like spotlights, there wasn't a corner that was not illuminated by the sun. She went to the window and squeezed the thick fabric of the mahogany curtain between her fingers, pulling it to cover the rays of light that blinded her sight. She turned to the door and the memory of Lucius Malfoy taking her back to the manor immediately became vivid in her mind.

She slipped to the center of the room, making sure no one was hiding. She peeked under the bed and paused to peer at the only painting left hanging in her room. A woman she had never seen, who sat on a gilded altar full of floral decorations. The red dress hugged her body perfectly, her facial features seemed carved in marble, and her lips were red as blood. She was so beautiful that looking at her too much hurt her eyes."Stop staring at me!" snapped the woman narrowing her eyes at two small slits, as sharp as point of a knife.Marie ignored her words and continued to scan her figure. It was a painting, what could she possibly do to her?

The doorknob slammed, and Marie jumped as Lucius Malfoy entered the room with his eyes on her and the painting."She doesn't like being watched. Stop it now." he growled. "Who is she?" Marie asked, turning to look at him better. "It doesn't matter. Take the vial and wait for Silvy to arrive to take you downstairs." he said before disappearing behind the door.

"Go downstairs .." she repeated in a low voice. No one had ever allowed her to go downstairs. She only knew her room, the rest was a mystery.
She stepped into the bathroom and turned on the tap to rinse her face. As her hands tightened around the valve to shut off the jet of water, her gaze fell on a sharp-tipped nail clipper. She hastened to grab it and hid it inside her bra.

"Malfoy wishes the miss to wear this." the little elf suddenly said, appearing behind her. She turned in his direction and took the dress from his hands.
"I won't wear it." she retorted with her lips curled into a grimace. The neckline of the dress was so deep that it would have made the nail clipper hidden under the bra too visible. The elf's face darkened and the calloused fingers began to twist between them. "I-if the miss doesn't do what he says, Malfoy will get angry and Silvy will be punished."

She stared at him for a long time, his big shiny eyes threatening her to yield to his pleas.

"Okay, okay. As soon as I'm ready, I'll call you," she sighed, rubbing her temples. As Silvy disappeared before her eyes, Marie hastened to take out the small nail clipper and hid it under a pillowcase. She went back to the bathroom and pulled the dress out of the hanger.

• -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- •

She was dematerialized directly to the dining room. Her eyes wandered around the room. The ceiling was dizzyingly high and the pictures hanging on the walls stared at her in disgust, hissing something from ear to ear. In the center was a long table that extended throughout the room, wrapped in a very fine purple-red tablecloth. Compared to the room - where the heat was oppressed between the walls to keep it from ceasing, in the room she felt the cold dig her bones.
She looked around, slowly approaching one of the many chairs set up near the fireplace and leaned against the table to slide her fingertips on the soft cloth of the tablecloth. Her gaze was fixed on the flames that danced on the fireplace and her mind wandered far away, to rearrange the thoughts that threatened a severe headache.
The chairs were all empty, there was no one but her and the little elf.

The click of the heels that echoed between the walls of the room, attracted her attention. Marie held her breath as her eyes danced over Narcissa Malfoy's tall, slim figure. The same woman who helped her to escape. "There was a little misunderstanding, dinner is postponed." She spoke without looking at her. The woman's gaze wandered everywhere except her eyes. "Narc-"
"I'd rather you call me Mrs. Malfoy," she corrected her, turning her head in his direction, her eyes finally resting on her. There was a deep silence before Marie found the right words to say. She swallowed as Narcissa glared at her under the long curtain of lashes. "As for that night, I-" Narcissa's mouth twitched and before Marie could finish the sentence, she cut her off. "I have no idea what you are talking about." she concluded, turning her back to the fireplace. "I only knew of your escape when I woke up. From my husband." She stressed before taking a long sip from the glass of wine on the table. "What are you still doing here? Go away."
"But mrs Malfoy, the room is sealed. I can't go in or out." she replied, rising from her chair and holding her hands behind her back. "It isn't my problem." concluded the woman as she led her to the exit of the room. "If you can't get in, sleep on the floor and wait for Lucius to arrive." Those were the last words Marie heard before Narcissa slammed the door in her face.

A few moments passed before her eyes turned away from the doorknob. She turned away and scanned the grand staircase that led upstairs. In the entrance hall there was only a huge dark carpet that covered the floor, there was no furniture or paintings to liven up the great room. The candles were too consumed by the flames to allow Marie to look through the darkness. The air reeked of dark magic.
She walked slowly towards the drawing room, where the windows let the reflection of the moon cut through the darkness. She closed her eyes as she tasted the wind caressing her face. The breeze coming through the large windows was like a soft and light kiss.
For a moment she let go of any thoughts in her mind and threw them out to lighten the weight of her head.
Her legs moved automatically to the garden and she ran. Part of her knew she wouldn't be able to escape, not like there night. Certainly Lucius will have added other protections, complex spells that would have prevented her from escaping, but that didn't stop her from trying. So she kept running, drawing on all her strength not to let her legs give out at any moment.

"Stop!" shouted a voice behind her. She turned her face towards him, letting her eyes stop to wander over the figure in front of her. It was Lucius Malfoy, a few feet away from her, who kept telling her to stop. "Cross the line and you will die" his words hit her like arrows straight to the throat. He knew that she would stop at that little warning. She would have surrendered to him without any problems.
A mocking smile formed on her lips and Lucius seemed to notice. He started running to reach her but she was already ahead and as soon as she crossed the border a dull pain took her breath away as it ripped through her chest like an invisible blade.


It didn't have to end like this, it was just a passing chapter. Before the review, the chapters of her locked up in the manor lasted a chapter and a half and I didn't want to take certain details for granted so I tried to do more chapters about it without jumping to the conclusion already. However, I still am not convinced, I do not like how I wrote it and probably, one of these days, I will rewrite it from scratch.

In the meantime, tell me what you think, I need to know if this story is going well. I luv u.

IG: @distrugggerti
TikTok: @distruggerti

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