Childe [Who?]

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How do I put it, simply that I'm scared of every man I see?
The Audacity

Since when was I a flower to be groomed, loved? I always thought I was a weed, creeping into the minds of others, the looming shadows from the far craves of their minds. I was an ugly flower, not meant for any garden, nor love. All by my lonesome.

You shoved the book in your hands back on the bookshelf, unsatisfied with the ending. How bothersome. Turning out of the library, you heard shuffling from behind. You didn't dare to turn, acting unsuspicious was the best option if the person following you was indeed, Fatui.

Quickly speed walking out to the main streets of Liyue, you began heading in the direction of the entrance. It was a bit of a walk to the Statue of Seven but it was your main way of getting home. You pretended to turn around to gaze at the scenery below of Liyue, watching the small lights in the distance, bidding a silent farewell to the city of contracts. Your long black coat flowed in the quiet breeze, as you took the hood off to feel the cold.

'It seems that Fatui member stopped following me.' Turning back to face the road, you saw a figure standing in the middle of it. You quickly shoved your hood back on, hoping to just walk past him without stopping you. But that was wishful thinking.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing here, alone, traveling at night?" The male slid a hand past your coat, latching onto your right hand and pulling it close to him. Sneakily he wrapped his other arm around your waist, successfully forcing you to look at him. His usual bright orange-tan hair looked dark brown in the moonlight, his dark blue eyes having an opposite effect, it was as if they were a glowing snowflake in the snow. The male's smirk widened slightly, in a teasing manner but he was ever so careful not to show you that he was very pleased to run into you. Or perhaps he was overjoyed.

"Childe..." You grumbled softly as you could practically see his smile getting bigger at the mention of his name.

"Ojou-chan~" You sighed, now another pain in your neck.

"Kindly release me, please." His grip tightened pulling you closer (as if you weren't close enough), as you were forced to lay your head against his chest, being a stubborn little shit you are; you didn't want to satisfy him. Childe chuckled at your response, his small laugh sent ripples throughout his chest. You could feel his laugh, hear it, but it had no heart to it at all. It was all fake, and that bothered you greatly. He was pretending around you, but for what? Your free hand was resting on his chest, perhaps you could tease him to get out of this situation?

"You know Ojou-chan, you never told me your name."

"Well if you would let go of me, perhaps I would be more willing to answer that question."

"But you never tell me even if you're free of my overbearing presence." You rolled your eyes at his reply. Overbearing (meaning to his physical touches) was such a tone down from his actions. Inappropriate is more fitting. Even though he practically drills this question in your head every time you "bump" into the man, you would never answer. Why? Because he was Fatui, clearly a big warning sign "DONT COME CLOSE" but yet here he is, having you in his arms to interrogate you to fill his curiosity. Such a dangerous combo.

"I wouldn't mind having you in my arms all night tho, so I'm not complaining." Your heart skipped a beat- his words were so-so shameless! You knew Childe had gotten under your skin so quickly and with such ease- but he always knew what words to pick, which way to turn the conversation to his every advantage. Although he did shove aside the question of your name, you knew he would only bring that back up again in the future.

"Childe, could you let go?" Finally, you dared to look him in the eyes. His eyes brightened when looking at yours, or perhaps he felt victorious for beating your stubbornness. Normally, you would've glanced at his eyes then shift them elsewhere. They were usually so sharp, so gloomy so...sad. But now they were so bright, so loving. He looked so different. You didn't notice that the male's breath hitched when you looked at him, nor the small heart skip. You could feel his breathing against your body, ever-shifting the position of your soft strands of hair.

Childe's eyes were so beautiful in the moonlight-what if- his eyes were so bright because they were looking at you? This imaginative thinking made you immensely uncomfortable, even if a small percentage of that question was true- you wanted no associations, no chances of that even happening.

"I-I um-" Quickly looking to the dirt floor, searching for words to come out, to formulate a sentence- but none came. Childe noticed how unease you became, was it because you got shy? Or was it because you hated him deep down, he was no fool. He had noticed the slight fear clouding your (e/c) orbs for a small second, or was it hate? Do you hate him? Had he even asked that question to you? Your hands had begun to tremble, hiding it was useless from him. Childe hated it- but he had to let you go.

"Sorry Ojou-chan, you were too cute to resist." He scratched the back of his head as if he was embarrassed for saying that. You held your hands to your chest as if to re-assure yourself you were fine. He didn't notice the fear that had crawled into your mind right? He didn't notice you acting scared- right? He didn't notice- your heart skipping? Right? It was like your world was falling, all that time pretending to be a normal traveler visiting Liyue to avoid Fatui suspicion- had all that effort gone down the drain?

Because if Childe knew you slowly began to become more and more flustered every time you meet- he would always be the one to approach you, to ask you questions- he would know every little lie coming out of your mouth. You'd much rather have common Fatui members watching you rather than him.

"I have to go, see you" You blurted out and began to make a run for it. You could feel the cold breeze whistle in your ears, your hot breath puffing out of your mouth, the rapid beats of your heart- pounding- pounding against your ribcage. Whether it was the sprint making that heartbeat or your crazy idea that Childe's eyes brightened only for you and it wasn't just the moonlight- whatever- just- whatever. Stop thinking crazy (Y/n), that's insane talk.

Why would that heartless man ever love you? It was all a façade, sweet talk, he wanted to manipulate you for his own personal gain. Yes, that was right- how could he ever love you?

You didn't notice his longing expression he adored on his face. You didn't see him heave a sigh, his once bright eyes now darkened. Glancing at his hand, he imagined yours entangled with his- never escaping him, never shyly retreating. He imagined your sparkling eyes stare at him, so bright and frightened, like a little bunny. How cruel, (Y/n).

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