Kaeya [Why?]

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You were panting by the time you reached the Statue of Seven- having teleported so quickly due to your burning back because of Childe's eyes staring at you while you made a break for it. You had nearly almost caught more of his attention- as if that's even possible. Glancing at your surroundings you cursed for your hurriedness. Had you properly looked at the map you would've noticed that this was the wrong Statue of Seven- as it was near the Dawn Winery residence.

Just your luck. Heaving a sigh, you began your journey home- most likely not as it was too far away- so instead you decided a nice patch of grass would do for the night. You gazed at the city of freedom while walking on the path, it was beautiful, a sight to behold. Such a shame you don't visit it often anymore.

You approached a cliff where the dandelions grew, they glowed a light noonish blue- almost as bright as Childe's. You closed your eyes shut, mostly because you were ashamed for ever thinking his eyes were as beautiful as the dandelion weeds. They were deeper, more yearnful, more like the deep ocean more hollow. You scowled at your gentle heart, you forgive too easily and just because Childe put you in an unwanted situation doesn't mean he's excused from your habit.

"Why did I think of that?" Grumbling to yourself, sitting near the cliff's edge, legs hanging. It was peaceful here, no Fatui, no Childe, it was pleasant. A fresh breath of air. You could hear footsteps approaching from behind, as you silently prayed it was no ill-willed stranger.

"Didn't think you were the type for sightseeing" His soft, velvety, chilled voice filled your ears as you looked up from where you were sitting.

"I don't mind trying new things, maybe you should try drinking non-alcoholic drinks next time you're in a tavern." The male looked down at you, his eyes and lips holding amusement.

"Then why go to a tavern just to not drink alcohol?" He sat beside you, his dark-colored clothing looking like he wore black, the white fur on his shoulder rested beside yours as you two sat together. You shifted your gaze back to the castle-like walls around Mondstadt. The gut feeling of avoiding eye contact would probably only make the male worried. You just- didn't want to see Childe's eyes when you look at his.

"Something bothering you?" He saw your worn-down expression, the soft smile that adored your face now frowned at his words. He saw the way your mouth opened to respond- possibly bringing up the bad memory- when no response came you shifted your gaze back to the lake.

"I-I'm scared, Kaeya." Your shoulders trembled as you brought your legs up to curl like a ball. Childes eyes flashed in your mind, how dark they were, and how pretty they became when you saw them up close.

"I'm so scared-" You wanted to say more, but the fear of him knowing who you are, knowing why you went to Liyue persuaded you not to speak anymore. You felt a hand onto your head, a few heads pats then sliding down to untangle the knots in your hair.

"You don't need to say anymore." His cold hands graced your cheeks, wiping away the stray tears that fell. He brought his head close as if to see any unseen tears that had escaped. Light starry blue eyes stared at your now glossy eyelashes, you didn't dare to look up as Childe's orbs kept appearing in your head. You feared most that Kaeya's eyes would remind you of Childe's- you didn't know why but, you felt so ashamed to compare Kaeya to Childe. Of course, Kaeya noticed your reaction, his orbs shifted down to your hair- how tangled it was, frizzed and winded. After a few minutes when you were done crying, he began to press for answers.

"Is there a reason you can't look me in the eyes, (Y/n)?" You could only feel shame, you hardly ever visit and the one time you did, Kaeya sees you at your worst. He awaited your answer, only for none to come.

"You can't even look me in the eyes even though we're friends. I'm hurt."

"No! I-I" You reached out to him, to rebuttal his comment but quickly stopped when you saw his expression. He was hurt, and you had hurt him. You felt guilt and shame pile up inside you, as your actions of worry and concern overgrew the thought of Childe. Kaeya pulled away, his lips forming a frown as he turned his face away.

"I'm sorry Kaeya-" You shuffled closer to reach his face when he slapped it away. This time, he turned his face towards you in anger.

"I hate how your thinking of someone else rather than the person in front of you." Kaeya moved to you, almost forcing you to fall on the grass because of how close the tanned male suddenly got. Your eyes widened at his statement, he knew the entire time what was bothering you? His eye was softer than the ocean, more like the starry sky you used to gaze at often, and in awe. The eyelashes fluttered down to look at you, almost feminine in some way. They were comforting, soft compared to the deep ocean sadness you had grown used to. Kaeya seemed to smile at how your eyes seemed to sparkle in amazement at his starred one. Oh how he wished to show you both of his eyes, then you could stare at them all day, soaking all of your attention onto him.

"Now that wasn't so hard now wasn't it?" Kaeya teased as your mouth opened ajar as if to respond.

"Sugar coated words I swear" You rolled your eyes and chuckled, although Kaeya did manipulate you a tad bit (gurl who you kidding) you eventually overcame that deep blue sea that drowned you, to see the stars above. You glanced to the side, feeling his hair drape along your leg.

"Your hair has gotten longer Kaeya, when was the last time I saw you?" The male rolled his body over, falling on the grass so you could play with it. He thought for a bit when was the last time you saw him? Probably around 6 months? You sat down next to the knight and began combing through his hair, much like he did earlier with you. You always had a fascination with men who would grow their hair out long, as you admired them because you too- struggled to keep your hair knot-free. Kaeya stared at you, seems he calmed you down as you began to hum while sliding your digits through his dark blue hair.

Bliss was a word Kaeya would describe the moment with you. The male hadn't seen you in months, seeing you here has eased that anxiety that grew in his chest- though he would never admit it was wonderful to see you again, hear your voice again, to touch you again; not just in his dreams anymore. He was lucky that he decided to patrol around in his free time, though usually the male would be either drinking or with another woman, it never felt right unless it was you. He couldn't describe the feeling he felt, it had turned and swirled and called from when you used to live in Modstadt a few years ago only for it to burst when you left.

Kaeya had wondered where you had traveled to, judging by the way your hair was frazzled and winded- could only mean you were near the coast, the sea. The male opened his eye, he must've fallen asleep when you were combing through his hair. Beside him you laid, soundly asleep as he once was.

"I really did miss you, you know"

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