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{Zemblanity- the inevitable discovery of what we would rather not know}

The cool breeze from the window whispered in your ears as sweat seeped through your pores. You turned your head away from the sight of your arm as Eve applied an ointment on the charred skin. It stung, but miraculously it wasn't an intense surge of pain wracking through your body. Your eyes were clenched closed as you hissed when more of the yellow liquid was poured.

"I'm surprised" Eve started before casting a glance at your pained expression. Your lip quivered as you opened, but refused to speak a noise. You watched as Eve trace your arm, almost ghostly to the touch. Her yellow sharp eyes glanced at yours's briefly.

"Forgive me" As Eve clenched your arm, her nails reverting to their sharp black colored selves. They dug into your skin as you watched in horror when crimson liquid begin to drip. It was small drops, slow and heavy. You flinched, but had no energy to protest against her actions. Its like her nails never bothered you. You looked back at Eve as her lips opened ajar in a revelation. Your breath became shaky as you sighed heavily.

"You can't feel pain" Paimon peered over your shoulder, as she gasped when she saw what Eve had done.

"What are you doing?!" Paimon shouted as she tugged Eves hand away, her long nails reverting to short stubby ones. You pulled your arm back, looking at the slight red toned skin now. Your hand was no longer black, rather the ointment worked splendidly and it would only take a few days until your arm looked normal. However it largely concerned you that you couldn't feel pain in your right arm anymore. The only reason- was because of that Abyssal creature.

"Get out" Eve seethed as she ran a hand through her golden locks. obviously pissed at the situation. You nodded quietly and rushed towards the semi rotting wooden door of the apartment. Glancing back over your shoulder, Eve turned her attention to Aether who was laying on the one of the beds, soundly asleep. The purple marks were still present and Eve had worked all afternoon creating the ointment on your arm, now was another daunting task.

The small lantern the hung from the ceiling of the room gently flickered as the winds picked up outside, as the window was open. Eve moved her small wooden chair, now facing the bed as the paired wooden table beside her were filled with herbs and materials. A small candle light from the table was picked up and placed on the floor, the small amber lighting up the area, just enough so she could work without any problems.

You studied the way Eve's expression faltered as she looked at Aether. A heavy sigh left her slim body as she moved to the table in order to grind up more herbs. Her pretty blond hair glowed from the flame, and her skin almost seemed like it was alive unlike her usual tone of black and white dull. The yellow orbs held a bright look from their usual cold. Eve looked up when she caught you staring, and tilted her head at you. You sent a small smile, almost like a 'thank you' and shut the door behind with loud moans of agony from the rusted iron.

The winds outside softly blew and you pulled your black feathered coat closer. A warm puff of air escaped your lips as the moonlight belled on like a lullaby. Fluffy grey clouds passed by above the large buildings of Liyue as the stars twinkled like lights. The warm colored lanterns in the streets and overhangs of the city dimly lit the absence of the sun as hardly any souls were present. A few night guards patrolled the area, as you headed for the docks in order for Eve to concentrate in a quiet space.

Paimon flew out from the open window of the shabby apartment, low cost as that was the only room you could afford in such a extravagant city. Her white hair blew from the force of the sea wind, and she slightly shivered at the cold. The being floated next to you, casting a worried glance towards your silent mood. You opened the coat for her, as she gladly rushed beside the warm clothing, wrapping it around her small body. Paimon sat beside your legs, that were dancing at the tips of the ocean line. It was silent between you two for a while, before Paimon spoke.

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