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{Orphic- mysterious and enhancing, beyond ordinary understanding}

"Soooooooooo..." Paimon flew closer to you with every vowel she exaggerated as she kept staring at you. She wiggled her miniature eyebrows as you tried your best to hide the very very soft pink creeping on your cheeks.

"No! Stop Paimon!" You whispered yelled at the pushy girl. Last night you had urged the being to keep quiet in return for any food she desired the next day. But what didn't help was the suggestive look she gave when Paimon asked about your relationship with Childe. The audacity! How on the world of Tyvat could you ever?!? Over your pretty dead corpse 7 feet under the dirt.

"Okay, okay! I get it your shy! But his attitude though-"

"-needs work" Both of you said in unison as a smile made way on your lips. Over a couple of days together, you and Paimon bonded quite well. A laugh erupted between you two as the pair cheered in the early morning breakfast rush. A couple of brown bags were hugged to your body snugly, as Paimon kept rushing from stall to stall like a jittery child. The little being kept pointing out food, then deciding between either one-gosh this was a mistake to let Paimon be in charge today.

You squeezed past people, making your way to Paimon who was already flying to another restaurant- oh your poor soul money pouch. The lightness of your pockets caused slight worry, but it was only right you treat Paimon for doing so well. You were so caught in the moment of absentmindedness that you accidentally bumped into a civilian. Your bags tumbled to the ground as you shoved apologies at him so the embarrassment in your cheeks couldn't be seen.

Once your hand had brushed the concrete floor, you could feel it. Your lips pursed and froze for a few seconds. The tips of your digits were like a third eye, briefly, could you see the world around you-even the number of people behind your back. You gasped and jumped away from your crouching position.

'What was that?' This has never occurred before- you knew it had to directly do with the Coven's gifts, specifically the golden ring on your finger. The jewelry didn't bother to materialize, but you could feel that if you pushed the topic more it would only show. Mentally stuffing the topic in a box, you hurriedly gathered what spilled out of the bag.

But- you tried to picture what you had seen. You distinctly remembered that someone was wearing a black coat, and a bland mask with a red cut standing amongst the crowd. The gaze of your eyes whirled to the spot they were standing beyond your back. The Fatui member caught your eyes as they darted for cover behind the building walls.

Tempting as it was to follow them- you had promised yourself to treat Paimon with all the food she desired. Though, it was probably a good opportunity to chase after the person. Hesitating, finally decided by snapping your eyes shut and forced yourself to turn away. Had Childe broken your deal?

"(Y/n)! What's holding you up?" The white-haired girl called out to you, beaconing you to follow your resolve. Just for today, will you let the Fatui getaway? You replied with 'Coming' while bending down to retrieve your bags. Once you started making way to Paimon, sending a final glance to the same corner where the had Fatui stood.

Just to be sure they weren't still there. Just to be sure he wasn't watching you. Just to be sure- you had made the right choice.

The door creaks came to a stop when a loud thud resounded in the room. Paimon flew in circles around Aether, who had just awoken from his sicken state. Eve was slumped on your bed, leaning against the wooden covered walls of the apartment. Her arms were crossed, and her body slightly slumped from exhaustion. Eve was asleep.

The table was still littered with the remains of last night's work, not that you minded much. You quietly moved the objects aside, to make way for the heavy bags. Paimon already had dug into one of the bags, already emptying a third of it in a matter of a few minutes. That creature's stomach was emptier than the Howling Abyss- that you swore on your Coven name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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