Xiao [Where?]

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"Do you ever have dreams that seem too real?"

Xiao looked to you, who was leaning against the rail overlooking the land below. Your expression faltered, showing you somewhat regret asking him that question. Slight eyebags were present, as your mood was dampened. Did something bad happen to you last night?

"Do you mean nightmares? I've faced too many" His grip on the wooden fence tightened, recalling his wars in his head, and to the citizens below. Monster. A monster is what they called him. It's not like he didn't deserve to be called that, it's that he could never make up for what he had done in the past. Xiao regretted many in his lifetime, nor did he wish to add more.

"Xiao" You called his name, stopping whatever gates of hell pulled at his mind. The invisible dark chains that wrapped around his body disappeared, and the male shifted his gaze to look at you. Gifting him a soft smile, your eyes warm with worry. They were so kind, forgiving, and bright. He wished he could return that expression to you, but he never could.

The short male nervously looked away, his lips held in a thin line. Xiao didn't know how to act around you when you gave him that smile. He wasn't meant to receive any kindness, nor friendship. Not after what he had done. He retracted his hands from the railing, moving them to fold his arms. Back in his shell, he went, unknown to the warm gestures of friendship that you ever so gracefully gave freely. He was protecting himself- as it was just natural, it was his nature to protect himself. Will he ever eventually let down his walls around you?

"Thank you" Glancing back down to the earth and waters, you absorbed the beauty that bloomed before you. A smile cheered on your face, making your cheeks warm and mood happy. You didn't know why you were so glad, Xiao had not said one word of reassurance to you, but his presence was very much welcome. Even if the Adeptus wasn't talkative, you knew he sent you worry with his eyes. He just needed someone who can interpret Xiao language. Laughing to yourself at the thought, your hand covered your mouth in a failed attempt to keep him from hearing it.

Xiao sent you a look of confusion, his eyebrows furrowed at your sudden laughter. What was so funny to you? He just didn't understand. Nonetheless, he enjoyed the sound of your laugh. It was...lovely. Calming. He felt a tug at his lips as he watched the scenery, waiting for your fit of laughter to slowly come to an end. Deep down he knew, he didn't want your laughs to stop.

"There he is!" A high-pitched voice chirped, completely ruining Xiao's mood to a 180-degree turn. You could practically see his expression grumble as an angry huff escaped his mouth. You began laughing even more- Xiao reminded you so much of a cat- his expressions were just priceless! Even if he tried not to show it, it made it all the more funny to see him irritated. His yellow cat-like eyes sent you a quick harsh glare, to which you returned with more fits of laughter. You were laughing at his suffering, so much for a friend. You had to turn away from Xiao- struggling to contain your voice.

A pair of children ran up to Xiao, ignorant of his dark past. They ogled at his tattoo design on his right arm, while he backed away worryingly. He didn't want to hurt them, with his bad luck and Adeptal energy- humans cant handle a lot. You were an exception- because he knew something about you that you did not- and that made you an exception for staying beside him. Your fits of laughter slowly came to an end, as you approached the two children, sweeping them in your arms.

"Did you know-" With a hushed voice, you brought them close, so they could see your golden ring appear. It was like you were telling them your little secret, with your back turned away from Xiao's gaze. They awed at it, such a beautiful gold decorated ring, plain but elegant. It felt like you were smuggling candy to them.

Yellow Carnations (Genshin Impact slight yandere various males x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora