Diluc [What?]

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"(Y/n)!" You heard a scream beckon to you. She called behind you and turned to meet the voice. Her blonde hair was messy, knotty, and above all, it seemed like they went through hell. And that was just her hair, upon looking at her face, dirt marks had covered her cheeks, and her once golden eyes now shown despair. You felt like you had seen the girl before, you felt like she was important to you in some way.

"Lumine" You didn't know what that word meant when it escaped your mouth, nor who owned that call. Her eyes closed as the girl fell to the ground, tears cascading down her face. You reached out to her, only for your hand to be grabbed mid-way. Her grip tightened and brought you close. Your ring finger burned a bright light, showing the outline of a ring you knew oh so well. Only a person with a vision could make an elemental reaction to show your golden cage- the ring that binds you, trapped you. The girl before you held no such vision- meaning that she wasn't normal.

"Why-" She started, but stopped when a hiccup came to her throat.

"Why are you with the Coven?"

The sunlight peered through the window, waking you from the deep dream world. The scent around you was deep, smelled of a faint lavender. Much like Kaeya. You shifted on the sheets, groaning as you buried your head into the pillow inhaling more of the sweet scent. It was so nice, so comforting, you could lay in them all day. Perhaps if you were bold, you could say you would've liked to lay in bed with Kaeya here. The Insanity, you thought.

"Coven" The word was repeated in your head, as you opened your eyes to stare at the wooden floor. Looking at your right hand, you could see the gold ring glowing on your skin, then disappearing as if it was never there. You couldn't stay here for long. You must keep moving. Sitting up, you fully understood that you were in an apartment building- may be a hotel or his home. Had Kaeya brought you here? Why did he even bother? It made your heart skip, he was so sweet at times even though the male would never admit it. On the table was a note, most likely from the starry-eyed knight.

'It would cruel of me to leave without a word.' You didn't want to hurt anyone else if it could've been avoided. You remembered the rainy day you had left Mondstadt, in fear that your feelings would chain you there. Your heart back then burned passionately for a man, his swordsmanship top mastery, elegant, a gentleman, utter perfection. His hair was a bright crimson like the sunrise that scorched across the land, tied in a high ponytail. Young and bold, brave and swift any woman could look at him and bat their eyelashes in hopes for a sliver of the man's attention.

'How times have changed' You stood and peered out the window, watching the citizens walk by. If you ever saw his eyes again, would they hold anger? Hate? Or disappointment? Pushing yourself away from the window, you decided it was best to leave as quickly as you could. Scribbling on the back of Kaeya's unopened letter, you wrote an apology and an excuse for you to leave the city. It was best to keep your distance.

Grabbing the black coat, and hurriedly leaving the homey abode as if you were never there. The bed as made, a letter sitting on the table for Kaeya should he ever return. You didn't question where Kaeya himself slept the night before, as there was no such thing as a sofa in the apartment. Burying those thoughts, it's best if you left them in a casket to a grave. It burdened you to leave without so much as a goodbye, just like the first time but duty calls. And you must obey that call. You silently hoped he would forgive you, for leaving again.

'Rule number 1 of the Coven'

You walked past the guards of Mondstadt, making your way past the bridge. The birds scattered about as a little boy glared at you, not that you cared in the slightest. The ring glowed on your right hand, making it visible. Kissing it, you saw the glow shatter in the wind leaving a small scar of where the glowing ring would be. No other ring would ever replace it, none could cover the scar that was permanently burned into your skin. It was forever a mark on your body, a vow to keep until you die. You turned back to the city, bidding a goodbye at last.

Yellow Carnations (Genshin Impact slight yandere various males x reader)Where stories live. Discover now