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{Tacenda- things that are not to be spoken about or made public.}

You had lazily gotten outside, walking along with Aether and Paimon. Yawning sleepily, you didn't understand Paimons excitement. The being was babbling about food- and how her stomach was rumbling in her sleep last night. Must've been nice to sleep. You could feel yourself grumble in jealousy- you had gotten around 2-3 hours of sleep. We're not including how many nights you were sleepless.

"Comon! Let's hurry and eat something!" Paimon tugged at Aethers glove, while the blonde sent you a troubled glance. Aether didn't want to mention the dark eye bags adorning your face for a few days- but this time you looked utterly exhausted. Slight puffy eyes were present, a slight squint in your eyes as the sunlight appeared to be blinding to you. You weren't exactly paying attention- as Paimon flew away and Aether guided you after her. It felt like Aether wanted her to lead the way so it was quiet for you- how kind.

You were sleepily slouched in the chair as you awaited your food, Aether and Paimon sat across from you both matching a worried expression. Paimon opened her mouth to say something but she was deeply debating in her head whether to just leave you be or ask what was disturbing you- mostly your sleep.

"Um (Y/n) are you ok?" Paimon questioned as she patted your hair as if to wake you from your daze.

"Perfect as a peach."

"I don't think that's how it goes-"

"Well now it does" You rubbed your eyes, they felt so heavy- like you were going to pass out. The one day you needed rest- was the day they decided to wake you up early. Just your bloody luck. You huffed exhaustedly as you boringly began to play with the chopsticks. Anything that would keep you awake a wink longer.

"Is there a reason why you two woke me up?" You were trying your best not to snap at them about how "early" they woke you up. Aether nodded as a waiter came and placed the food down. Paimon squealed happily and did a small jig before flying beside Aether and start eating her food.

"We... we're going to be leaving Liyue for a few days to look for my sister. I'll be back on the day of the Rite of Descension." You nodded your head up and down, understanding the situation. You best look for more information on the Rite of Descension in the library- or just wait till the day of the event. No- it would leave too many opportunities for Childe to bother you. You scarfed down your food, much like Paimon, and prepared to leave.

"I might be out of Liyue for a few days, to kill some time before coming back." You fished out some mora, placed it on the table then bid Aether a farewell. Before you could even walk out of the restaurant, the blonde spared you some words of advice.

"Stay safe (Y/n)." You chuckled, sent him a smile and a wave then quickly left the building. The absurdity of his words made you chuckle, you knew there was always trouble around the corner- especially with Fatui around. He was a bit naïve. You had to know more about Aether- to determine if he was a threat in the future or if he's just not normal. Either way, it was critical to get information on the blonde, the best place to start would be in Mondestadt- where you guessed was his first visit. Hurriedly making your way back to your hotel room, deciding it was best to pack your things. Upon reaching your door, there was a note.

It was rather a simple letter- you didn't know who it was from, but you didn't exactly care. If you didn't know who it was from best not to even bother with the contents. You tossed the letter on the bed, leaving it there to rot in the dust. Putting on your coat, and your bag, you made your way out of Liyue. The sun shone brightly on the pavement, as people were now bustling out of their homes and getting on with their day. As you were too.

Yellow Carnations (Genshin Impact slight yandere various males x reader)Where stories live. Discover now