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{Brontide- the low rumble of distant thunder}

There was no way. No way- no way- no way. You wondered how on earth you were laying in these sheets, in this luxurious bed. Scratch that- everything in this room screams expensive lifestyle. You rushed to the curtains, to see a balcony overlooking Liyue. The wind rushed past your hair, as your eyes widened at the sunrise. You were beyond breath is taken- how in the world did you end up here? Only one name popped up in your brain- why the heck?

You were still wearing your clothes from yesterday, at least he had the decency to remove your cloak- as it was pretty worn and dirty. The soft floor below your feet was much welcoming, as you tracked back to your bed lost in thought. Why would he bring you here out of all places? You vividly remembered that this hotel was far more pricy than your coin pouch- if you were paying that much mora per night might as well live in Liyue. So why?

You paid no heed to the extravagance in the room, but to the largely concerning the task at hand. Why did Childe bring you here? Making your way down the over-the-top lobby, you were slightly taken aback by the grand entrance of the building. The ceiling towered high above your head, and marble pillars held them up. Little plants adored the room in small spaces, as a large glowing rock chandelier hung high. The smell of vanilla filled your senses, a warm and welcome scent.

It was marvelous- you had never seen anything this grand of any sort in your life. This was like a luxury only a few get to see, and that now included you. You felt so out of place- your attire paled in comparison to this expensive hotel building. Nervously, you walked up to the front desk and asked who brought you here.

The man seemed to worry at your words- at what you had asked. He looked to his left and right, down the halls and up the staircase. His lips held a thin line, showing he was stressed at your question. When he opened his mouth- he quickly shut it as his eyes widened. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his initial reaction, and his body language. Just what was he looking at-?

You felt a pair of warm arms wrap around your waist, picking you up and spinning you around. You let out a squeak of surprise, as you felt your world spin and blur for a bit before being put back down. You struggled and eventually broke through the unwanted grip of the stranger. Turning around, you sent a glare to Childe who chuckled at your response. Before you could even speak, he abruptly interrupted.

"Did you sleep well?" Your expression changed, folded into an emotion of confusion. Why did he care?

"Yes, yes I did." Your gaze shifted to the red carpet floor, not used to being asked how you felt nor how you were faring. It was a strange sensation, it was...nice. Usually, you would put up your walls, keep intruders out so why did you entice his question? Why did you willingly answer it? You were in a void of your own thoughts, questioning yourself and your morals. Fatui were nothing but trouble, so why appease him? Why tease the monster waiting to strike?

Childe blinked at you a couple of times before he realized you were in your own world. The male bent down and peered over at you, watching as your gaze was glued to the floor. He smiled and tilted his head in a cute manner.

"Ojou-chan~" You immediately snapped out of your gaze as Childe sneakily took one of your hands with his. The male dragged you under the chandelier and began guiding you in a circle. Was he dancing with you? He was kind enough not to touch you inappropriately as he gently took your other hand, and swayed with you in a rhythm. Just what was he up to?

"Was there a reason you were looking for me?" You looked up at the male, watching as a small smile appeared on his face. His eyes seemed to scream at you, lulling you in. It was almost hypnotizing you, like a siren to a sailor. They were a pretty blue, more filled, more vibrant, more human.

Yellow Carnations (Genshin Impact slight yandere various males x reader)Where stories live. Discover now