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" Please be safe..." Wonwoo prays continuously, as he runs to the wasted factory in a hurry.

Wonwoo tries to call Mingyu but he doesn't answer so he texts him, as fast as he can.

Mingyu! Remember whoever calls you to come to a wasted factory, it's gonna be a trap! Don't go!

He pushes open the factory door, still panting and catching his breath. A tall man, pops his head out as he smiles, " I knew he would come,"


Wonwoo is leaded to another room, with a hand craft tightly tied on his hands. Taehyung unlocks the doors and pushes him in aggressively, making the male falls to the floor with a groan.
" Now is time for your little boyfriend to come~"

He gritted his teeth in anger, feeling uneasy. " What the fuck do you want!" He yells, " Where is Chan?" Taehyung lifts his head up from the phone, looking at Wonwoo. Wonwoo has to admit, his visual is angelic, everything on his face is just perfect, a mixed of angel and devil.

" Ah, right. Your friend," Taehyung says, walking to another room and pulls a young male to the room, again, he falls on the floor. Chan nervously glances around, eyes widen as he sees Wonwoo. " H-hyung" Wonwoo just tells him to stop talking.

" well let me see you," Taehyung suddenly lifts Wonwoo's chin up, observing his face. "you are pretty, but not as pretty as my bunny, why will that jerk chose you over him?" He increases the force on the hand, earning a tiny hiss from the male. " WHY DO YOU HAVE TO EXIST?" Taehyung yells at his face, angrily, but laughes like a crazy man a moment later, " Anyways, you will no longer be existing later" The two men shiver in fear and younger start to sob. "hyung i-i am scared...w-what if he kill us..." Wonwoo tries his best to grab his hands, warming them up. " we will be alright, chan,"


A loud bang is heard , Wonwoo sighes, he already knows who is that. " WONWOO ! CHAN!" Chan lifts his head up and his lips shaking, " m-mingyu" Wonwoo mentally curses, 'damn it! I told him not to come' Mingyu runs to them at once but before he can reach them, a punch lands on his face, crashing him down the floor. He holds his cheek in pain, staring back at the smirking man, who holds a knife in his hand. " hello mingyu" he greets before suddenly grabs chan and puts the knife under his neck.
" Tie yourself or I will poke in" Mingyu and Wonwoo quickly ties the rope and hand crafts on Mingyu, obeying the older. " P-please let Chan go, hyung...he is innocent...he did nothing wrong..." Wonwoo begs, he doesn't want the younger to be involved. " We will stay, just let him go, please" Mingyu adds, tears welling up.
Taehyung raises an eyebrow, and hesitates.
"Very well,kid,if you say anything about this, we are all dead," Taehyung says, throwing the male out from the door before Chan can say anything.


" Now, move on to you two..." Taehyung smirks, lending in. " You know why I get you both here?" Wonwoo gulps while Mingyu tries yo avoid the eye contact. "I fell for Jungkook since highschool, and he is in loved with you. I confessed to him but he said no because he liked you. Then, you two started dating. He was very happy, I was happy for him too, although I wished that was me. One day, he cried to me that you broke up with him. He started to refuse doing anything, being depressed and sad. He even tried to end his life. And who started all these? It's you. This afternoon, we saw both of you, being just all fine like having a new life, forgetting about the past. And us? JUST IN THE SAME HELL! BECAUSE OF YOU KIM MINGYU"

Taehyung screams, almost pokes the knife into Mingyu, which terrifies him.

Taehyung grabs Wonwoo away from Mingyu. He lights a firelighter, puts it near to Wonwoo's rope. " Kill him and you will still be alive,or else I will light him on fire. "
Shocked, terrified, the two lovers froze. Mingyu knows even if he tries to fight back, Taehyung will still be fast enough to light the fire. Wonwoo lets his tears down, there's no hope. Taehyung drops the knife to the ground, "Do it now."
Mingyu can't help but cries, he picks up the knife, shakily stares at it. Wonwoo knows Mingyu won't be able to do it, if he dies, Mingyu may still have a chance to be alive. Between himself and Mingyu, he chooses the second one.

" On my count, three!" Mingyu sobs hopelessly, placing the knife on Wonwoo's chest. " Two!" "do it, please" Wonwoo whispers, a crying mess is standing in front of him. So he makes a huge decision. " One!" He grabs Mingyu's hand and pushes it toward his chest.


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