Chapter 24: Breakfast With The Twins

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Anastasia POV


The twins wouldn't let me go to the hotel so we spend the night at my old house, it was still the same

A little change but it was still the same

"Mother, are you and Y/n comfortable with the room? Should I get more pillows?"

Dawn asked as she peeked her head on the door

"Don't worry dear, we're fine-"

"Granny!" Valentine ran towards me while hugging a pillow and she practically plopped in our bed

"Granny, can I sleep with you tonight? Mama said it's okay"

Valentine gave me the puppy eyes and there's no way I can resist something so adorable

"Okay, come here" I patted the bed and Valentine cheered happily

"Then goodnight Mother, tell me if you need anything" Dawn waved her hand goodbye and I smiled softly

"Oh, Valentine your here" Y/n spoke who just got out of the shower

She's really cute and hot at the same time

"Yes, Mama said it's alright to sleep here with the two of you"

Valentine giggled then Y/n smiled and laid beside Valentine. I smiled as I pressed a kiss on Y/n's forehead and Valentine studied us

"Are you two dating or like married?" Valentine asked and looked at the Y/n them at me

"I'm still courting her so we're not dating yet, soon princess"

I winked at Y/n and she blushed resulting me to chuckle at her cuteness

"Oh wow... what is courting?" Valentine asked and the two of us burst out laughing

"Well It's like two people having feelings for each other and the other person is doing anything so she can to make that person her lover"

I explained but Valentine's mind was on space, figuring what I just explained to her. Y/n stifle a laugh and Valentine huffed

"I don't understand but okay" Valentine giggled

"Babushka, goodnight" Valentine mumbled before closing her eyes to sleep

I then glanced at Y/n and it seems she's really tired so I just pecked her cheeks and drift off to sleep


Morning has come and I woke up earlier to cook some breakfast for the twins and the others

"Wahhh something smells nice... Mama?"

Celeste walked down the stairs still half asleep while rubbing her eyes

"No, it's me, dear"

I kissed her forehead and she sat on the seat yawning

"Why are you up so early Mother?" I saw Victoria still in her pajamas while dragging Dawn

"I made you three breakfast, I hope you like it"

Victoria lit up and immediately sat down and waited like an excited kid, Dawn then helped me and I thanked her for being so kind

"Dish ish sho good! I misshed thish" Victoria spoke with her mouth full of food

"You disrespectful child! Can you chew that down first? I hope you choke"

Celeste scolded Victoria but she didn't listen and still talked to me, well not until I smacked her back

"Ow! Mom, what the hell?" Victoria groaned and her twins chuckled

"Eat with manners Victoria, or else Maxine won't like it"

She pouted and I sighed then rubbed her back where the part I smacked

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