Chapter 29: Nadia's Past II

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Nadia's POV


I've never touched women in that way when I met Y/n

My world changed

It was true young women follows me and tries to seduce me but I never laid hands on them

Yes, what Victoria saw was different because of me trying to act tough and arrogant in front of her

And sometimes those women tried to sleep with me and always try to get in my pants by drugging me and leading me into their bedrooms

Victoria saw the part where they lead me to their bedrooms but she never knew I fought back against those women, I even endured those drugs they gave me!

Of course, she would tell Y/n I cheated

Kids misunderstood sometimes

But what do I do? I never touched them even I was drunk I refused every single one of them

I thought, she would keep her promise about her not leaving me

Turns out everything was a lie, it was all a lie

I choose not to believe Natasha's words because I thought they were messing with me

I even came home to France three days earlier, but when I arrived there

All I saw was Y/n kissing Reine passionately on the lips

I stood there shocked with tears streaming down my cheeks and I held the bouquet that I bought

"She never loved me" I mumbled and threw the flowers harshly

I drowned myself in women and drugs, I drank and partied for two days straight just to forget her but nothing



"Mother I'm so sorry please don't leave me! I'll do better!"

I cried and held my Mom's dress to prevent her from leaving me in the orphanage but her glare terrified me the most

I never let go even though I was scared

"You disappointment, you don't do anything right at all!" Mother shouted and I let my tears fall

"Mother I love you so please! Please don't leave me here! They're bullying me, Mother!"

I cried hard and begged for Mother to take me back but no

She pushed me hard and I sat there staring at her with wide eyes as I saw her smirking at me

"I never loved a monster like you"

As soon as I heard those words something clicked inside me that made me attack my Mother

I was put in solitary confinement for my actions and I sat there on the corner repeating every single word

"She never loved me"

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