Getting dorm keys

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Kirishima's POV

When I was picked up by the bus I decided to look up what tsundere means because I've never seen the word before. I look it up and find out that it is a person who acts tough and mean when they don't know people but when they know you more they are kind and caring, I think to myself 'God help me with my soulmate'
When the bus stopped I got out and walked to the woman giving out dorm keys. She said "your things have been delivered to your room, your roommate is not here yet so you can hang out in your room or meet some kids in your class" I tell her "thanks" and then I start walking to my dorm. When walking to my dorm I see a familiar friend and she runs up to me and drags me to 2 people she was talking to. She then said "guys meet one of my friends ejiro Kirishima, Kirishima meet Denki kaminari and hantavirus Sero." We talk for a little and then I start on my way back to my dorm when I say 4 people talking to eachother and decided to meet them  I said "my name is ejiro Kirishima who are you guys?" The response was "I'm izuku Midoriya, ochako ururaka, Momo yayorozo and shota Todoroki." We have a short conversation and then I make my way all the way back to my dorm, I then see my roommate isn't here still and I go and make some food to eat when they come.

Bakugou's POV

I got to UA with my mom and we walk to the principals office. When we walk in the office I see my homeroom teacher and the principal. My mom says "sorry to bother you but I would like to warn you of some things about my son. My son is very aggressive and there is a boy that he likes to be aggressive his name is Izuku Midoriya. If my son feels he is being taken advantage of he won't hesitate to hurt them. They look surprised but say "thank you for the warning, bye."
After my mom leaves I grab my dorm key and the woman says "your roommate has already gotten his key and is probably in the dorms already." I thank her and then I started walking to my dorm wondering who my roommate would be.

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