Soulmate found

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Kirishima's POV

After Bakugou had stopped crying he sat in his seat and I grabbed mine and put it right next to him and sat beside of him incase of anything. I then helped Bakugou roll up his UA uniform sleeve and then he angled his hand so both of us could see the writing.
The first word I saw was omega. On the next line below it I saw the letters EK. On the third line the words were 'kind', 'protective', 'caring', 'manly'. On the last line the quirks name was hardening (🗿). *pretend this is a rock*
I then look over at Bakugou and say "Bakugou I think I know who your soulmate is and I know they won't hurt you because you are an omega." He looks at me and then says "who?" I then reply "I am your soulmate."

Bakugou's POV

I heard Kirishima say "I am you soulmate." I then sit silent for a minute in confusion and then say "how are you my soulmate? my soulmate has black hair." I hear him say " I know, the soulmate changes shows your partner's original hair colour, black is my original hair colour, I dyed it red at the end of middle school. My soulmate things matches you and yours matches mine exactly." I then see him roll his shirt sleeve to show me his arm. The first line was 'alpha' the second one was 'KB'm third line is 'tsundere' and 4th line is 'explosion (💥).
I then loook at him, smile and hug him and say "I'm glad your my soulmate, you won'tever judge me, I love you" he smiles back, hugs me back and then says " I love you too"
I then ask "can I call you ejiro?" He says sure and then asks "can I call you Katsuki?" I reply "sure"
Kirishima then says "Katsuki we should go to class so we can meet the friend group and meet a few other students too." I nod and then we start to walk to class together at a slow pace while talking to eachother.

❤️Kiribaku omegaverse (soulmate AU)🧡Where stories live. Discover now