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forgot i was gonna post today so here have this old oneshot that i haven't read in months

idk if its bad but HERE YA GO


this is a world where you have a compass on your hand that points to your true love


1. i included references to sbi rust streams

2. Lux is the entire world, not just a city.

3. compasses do NOT have to be followed, it's just something that shows you who will bring you true happiness and love. some people say they are 'liars' but they can only tell the truth.

4. dream/clays father is a fictional character. not based on anyone.

5. heh i included references to cats i have on a realm i have with my friends. :)


The loud bustle of the brick city streets used to make Clay Exterri excited.

He used to take happiness in the family tents and stands, breathe in the scents of basil and honey from the various vendors, and try and count every string light that was hung on the edges of the streets. He used to try not to step on the horizontal bricks in the road, and try to balance on the curbs, or make faces in his cousins store window. He used to go on his tiptoes and spin in circles around the flickering lamp posts with his best friend. He used to put on puppy eyes in front of his father's friends vendors, and end up getting a little bit of what they were selling as a reward. He used to sit in the grass with his best friend, split whatever he got, and laugh as they made up stories for the people passing by.

He used to stare at the compass on his left hand, watching it twitch.

Now he swept over the brick streets in a soft, brown cloak, ignoring the colorful vendors and his cousins store. His best friend, Sapnap, was at his study, preparing for the upcoming exam in school. Clay was already prepared; photographic memories were like that. Clay was running an errand for his father. Again.

He loved his father, but his father never seemed to love him back. He only cared that Clay got good grades, ran his errands, and didn't embarrass him. He didn't care about Clays compass, and how it seemed to be pinned somewhere in the village. He would always say, "Love is distracting. Ignore your compass, boy."

That's all he was. Boy. Not son. Not Clay.

So as his brown cloak brushed the ground, he considered, as he always did, just running away. Finding his soulmate. Ignoring his father. Running away with whoever it was, and just living with them for his whole life. Watching the sun melt away in the sky, hide under the covers. Write letters to Sapnap. Invite his best friend over for dinner. Never feel alone, or like any of his relationships were complicated.

But he could never run away. He wanted to get an education. Get a job. Live a nice, normal life.

So he placed a small bag of coins on the mechanics vendor, and told him what he needed. He had zero clue what any of those things were, but the mechanic seemed to know. He wiped his greasy, sweaty forehead, and handed Clay a heavy bag. It felt like nothing to him, though. Another plus of being in school: A lot of exercise.

He gave a thank you to the mechanic, continued down the street. A few extra coins jingled in his cloak pocket. He eventually decided on getting some fruit, and stopped at a small vendor. He placed the change on the counter, grabbed an apple, and stepped to the side, smiling warmly at the vendor owner. He was about to say thanks he was suddenly shoved over.

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