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In the morning Clarke is standing over Monty and Jasper lying on the ground. Wrapped in each other's arms. A bottle of moonshine lays about an arm's length away from them.

"Monty," she says, pushing his shoulder with the toe of her boot. No reaction. "Jasper, get up." Still, nothing. She huffs loudly and pushes harder.

"Here," Suddenly Raven is at her side clutching an ominous bucket. When she tips it, water splashes over both of the boys lying at their feet. As they jump awake gasping and sputtering on the water, Clarke has to hide a smile.

"Raven! Hypothermia is a thing you know." Though she can keep the smile off her face (barely) each word rings with amusement.

"Hey love birds, maybe next time you decide to cuddle you can do so in private."

The boys shrug as they make feeble attempts at flinging water from their hair.

"Yeah," Jasper counters. "Well now we don't have fresh water for laundry, genius."

"Oh that? That wasn't fresh water..." She grins and her comment sends the boys running towards the creek."It actually was," she confides in Clarke. "So... now I have to go get more. Totally worth it." She balances the bucket on one hip.

"I can get it," Clarke offers. She needs something, anything, to distract her from last night's dreams.

"Okay, want some company?"

"No, that's okay. Thanks though.: Raven hands over the bucket and Finn's voice, surprisingly close, makes her jump.

"You shouldn't go alone," he says, slowly scanning his eyes from Raven to rest on Clarke's face. Bellamy approaches, taking up the spot to Finn's left. They're both armed.

"You said it's been quiet," Clarke argues.

"I did. It was. Meredith and Davis have been gone all night. We can only assume they've been caught by Mount Weather. You shouldn't go alone," he repeats.

Clare opens her mouth to argue but Bellamy interjects, "He's right Clarke."

"I'll go with you," Raven offers and Clarke shoots her a thankful look.

"No, Finn, you take her," Bellamy catches Clarke's eye and man if looks could kill. "I need you to help me send a message to Chancellor Griffin. Hopefully we can get through to them without Mount Weather jamming us."

"Right," she says. "I'll show you, for the millionth time, how to use the radio. You know, you could've just said, 'No Raven, the cripples should stay in the camp.' Really, I understand." Her tone is light but Clarke can see the annoyance behind her eyes.

The group splits up and Clarke is left alone with Finn. He shuffles his gun from one hand to the other and gestures to the woods.

"Shall we?" She leads the way.

It hasn't rained in nearly a week and the creek is seriously low. The water trickles lazily over the rocks as Clarke dips the bucket in.

"This must be terrible for you. Only officer available is me. Regret offering to come get the water now?" His voice is filled with resentment. He stopped feeling guilty months ago. Now, he's just angry. At everything. Angry at Clarke for not forgiving him. Angry at Bellamy for taking advantage of her when she's vulnerable. But mostly, he's still angry at himself.

Clarke ignores him; she doesn't have the energy to fight with him right now.

"So," he continues when she stays silent. The bucket is almost full. "You and Bellamy, huh? Never thought I'd see that happen." At this, Clarke pauses and stands to face him.

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