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"They're back!" Sterling's voice rings out across the camp and Bellamy is at the gates before they're even opened. He looks over the people as they come over the small hill one after one. Where is Clarke? Raven? Finn?

His heart is pounding so hard he's sure it's going to burst out of his chest.

Then, thankfully, mercifully, he sees them. Raven first, then Clarke. He takes her appearance in. Something is wrong. She has dark circles under her eyes and her face is stricken. She's pale and when she moves it's robotic.

"Bellamy," she says, voice flat. "We need to talk." Before he can ask her anything she moves towards his tent. He looks to Raven and sees a storm raging in her eyes. With a glance over her shoulder he sees Finn walking in with another person that he doesn't recognize.

"What's going on, Clarke?"

"You were right, Bellamy. It is Mount Weather. Only they're using grounders to do their bidding."

In a quick, low voice Clarke fills him in. As she speaks, he understands her demeanor. He takes a seat on his makeshift mattress.

"So they... drilled into Davis?"

"Yes," Clarke takes a seat beside him, acutely aware that only half an inch of air separates them. "I don't understand, Jasper said they were just taking blood from them. Now they're taking bone marrow? And Maya can survive on the surface? What is that going to mean for us?"

"They're sending their people after ours," he starts slowly, barely containing his anger. "Strapping them down, and then drilling into them, essentially killing them," his blood begins to boil. "And you brought her here? Clarke, what the hell were you thinking?" He stands, yelling now.

"I was thinking that she knows a lot about Mount Weather. She could be an important asset."

"Or she could be getting intel for them! Why didn't you talk to me first? I thought we agreed a long time ago that this was 50/50?!"

"I made an executive decision. And I'm not sorry. I won't apologize and we are keeping her." She has to work to keep her voice calm. She knows Bellamy, when he gets like this, yelling back at him won't help anything.

"Made an executive decision." He scoffs and begins pacing back and forth. "And if this goes south?"

"Then I'll take the blame."

"Can't take the blame if you're dead." He storms out realizing that he isn't just angry that she'd brought Maya here, she's angry that she'd so blatantly put their lives, her life, in danger. He pauses briefly wondering why he'd stormed out of his tent. Regardless, he's too proud to go back in there. Instead, he walks around the camp, allowing his anger to build.

"Morgan!" He snaps at a girl sitting on the ground, pulling apart a leaf. "Don't you have a job to do? That wall isn't going to patch itself and winter is coming!" Morgan jumps up, startled and picks up some wood stacked beside her. Most days Bellamy does well keeping his temper under control. Today it seems as though it is a fire and every little thing just adds fuel to it. What was it Miller had said? Hate sex? Yeah. Bellamy could stand to let off a little steam. He prowls through the camp, off to find any girl that isn't Clarke.

"Hey, Bellamy. Maya said-" Clarke opens the flap of his tent and stops short. "OH!" She turns quickly around, seeing way more of Morgan than she'd like.

"Clarke! What the hell!?" Bellamy shouts out at the same time Clarke squeals out a, "Sorry!" There's a lot of shuffling and then Morgan is pushing her way out of the tent. Clarke turns back towards Bellamy as he is buttoning his pants.

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