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Clarke wakes up with a fierce pounding in her head. She groans. She is never, ever, drinking again.

Getting out of bed is probably the hardest thing she has ever had to do, but she does it. And when she pushes the flaps of her tent aside she groans again. Bellamy is there suddenly with a glass of water.

"My white knight," she grumbles flatly. He looks at her, the corners of his mouth twitching with the effort of concealing a smile.

"How ya feeling, princess?"

"The sun... is an asshole." He laughs out loud at that and she slugs him in the bicep.


"Well, don't be so loud." He stifles another laugh and directs her to the medical tent.

"I hate to be a bother, but Meredith showed up early this morning. She's in need of medical attention." At the mention of someone else's pain Clarkes eyes clear and she immediately pushes her pain to the back of her mind.

She turns, walking backwards and calls back to Bellamy, "I wouldn't have regretted it. Just so you know." She faces him only long enough to see the smile drop from his face.

"Way to go, Blake," he mutters to himself.

"Hey, Bell?" Octavia's voice startles him back to the present, pulling from his inappropriate thoughts. "We're gonna head back to the village." He can still feel the heat in his face as she hugs him goodbye.

He's been pacing outside the doors for what seems like hours when Clarke finally emerges, her face stricken.

"Mount Weather?" He guesses/ Clarke only shakes her head attempting to wipe the blood off her hands. It's pointless, the rag is covered in blood.

"No. Reapers." Bellamy's face falls, they had killed the last of the Reapers. The Grounders had helped. "Meredith will be fine. Davis..." She looks up at Bellamy, then, "They.. ate him.""Okay! Everyone listen up!" Bellamy's voice rings loudly across the camp, catching the attention of everyone quickly. "With more Reapers out there, attacking in the daylight, no one is to leave the camp alone! Groups of at least three at all times. One person in the group is to be armed." He pauses, looking over the small group. "Understood?" Everyone mutters agreement in between giving each other worried looks. People go back to their daily jobs slowly and Bellamy approaches Raven. "Clear that signal." It isn't a question and Raven only nods before heading back to the ship.

Clarke, finally done with Meredith, approaches Bellamy. "I know where the Reapers are. I can lead a group there and we can finish them off once and-"

"No," he interjects. "You can draw me a map. I'll take a group to them." She opens her mouth and barely gets out a, "Like hell," before he interrupts her again. "No, Clarke. You're not going. This isn't up for discussion."

"Okay, one; you are not my boss. And two; I am just as capable-"

"Wrong. When you're well you're capable. Right now?" He pushes lightly on her shoulder, just enough to drive his point home. She winces. "You're injured and staying home. Now, a map, please."

Clarke stomps off towards her tent and Bellamy is fairly certain that if she had a door she would've Eventually, she does. That night, she pulls open his tent and holds out a rolled up piece of paper.

"I still want to go."

"Now if you go, who will stay here and boss everyone around?" She scowls at him and turns to leave only to be stopped by his hand closing around her wrist. He pulls slightly forcing her to face him. "You know I'm only trying to protect you, right? I can't... you can't get yourself hurt."

Instead of seeing his side like he'd hoped, Clarke yanks away from him. "I'm not a little girl you're hiding in the floor, Bellamy. I don't need you to protect me. You want me to stay here so I don't get hurt, yet you're asking me to sit idly by while you risk your life. Goodnight Bellamy."

"You aren't staying?" She gives him an incredulous look before turning on her heal and leaving.

They're preparing to leave. Bellamy and a group of their ten best warriors. Finn included. Clarke would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about him. Before they leave, she approaches him.

"Be careful," she says awkwardly. She reaches out to shake his hand (because God is she uncomfortable right now) and he pulls her to him in a hug. Surprising everyone, herself included, she hugs back. Locking her arms around his back and closing her eyes she absorbs his warmth. "Don't die," she whispers.

"I'll try y best." Finn plants a kiss on the top of her head and Bellamy feels a twinge of jealously. He's too proud though, to go to Clarke. Seeking her embrace. Instead, he turns away from them.

"Let's go!" He shouts and leads the way out of camp without so much as a nod in Clarke's direction.

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